Why you should listen to Math Rock

Time is a symbolic exchange with Math Rock and upon listening to a song or two from this rich genre; you are bound to be swept away by the same tranquility I have experienced.

6y ago

TV's Best Sci-fi Right Now

There is little in The Expanse's cold open of a lone woman in a spaceship having a nightmarish encounter that indicates it is the start of something remarkable.

7y ago


There are some fans who will jump at the chance of watching any spin-off or remake of their favourite shows, and there are those that are rather sceptical about it. I'm on the latter side.

7y ago

5 Movies That Are So Bad They're Good

Truth be told, every now and then while streaming through a compendium of movies, we stumble upon some ridiculously edited rom-coms and poorly made sci-fi thrillers that are so dumb, they are awfully hilarious.

7y ago

Old School Cool: Anime Version

A lot of us, 90's kids, grew up with the infamous Cartoon Network's Toonami and Adult Swim.

7y ago

UNWIND / Sharknado and Other Disastrous Movies

There are many excellent films out there. Shawshank Redemption, Fight Club, Dark Knight - there really are many ways to get your fill of entertainment with a compelling story and excellent acting performances.

7y ago

UNWIND / The Preacher pilot reveals little - Great cast, though.

AMC's Preacher is the adaptation of a comic book that many would consider unfilmable. Watching the pilot that came out on May 22, someone unfamiliar with the story may not see why that would be the case.

7y ago

UNWIND / Common Woes of Bangladeshi Anime Fans

Being an anime fan has its struggles, anywhere in the world. But the struggle is perhaps, more real in Bangladesh.

8y ago
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