Genre: Alternative Metal
White Zombie was the only band where a vocalist who expertly pulls off the cowboy hat, a yellow-haired female bassist, white boy dreadlocks, science fiction and heavy metal came together in unexpected harmony. Astro-Creep: 2000 was White Zombie's final album together. As a fan I was sad to hear that they'd split, but perhaps it is for the best. One can only fly so high before their wax wings melt and they plummet. Unless one is Iron Maiden.
The album begins with Electric Head (The Agony). It starts off quiet with some spoken lines. If you love heavy metal, then you'll love this. This song represents one end of the spectrum White Zombie operates in. I read the lyrics to this song in Rei Hiroe's manga, Black Lagoon, and decided to listen to this album.
Real Solution #9 is incoherent, and not because of guttural singing. It sounds like the rock monster from Chowder sang it. Grease Paint and Monkey Brains switches between deep, slow vocals and bursts of screamed lines.
Track seven, Electric Head (The Ecstasy) would represent the other end of the spectrum White Zombie operates in. Both of the tracks are good, but I prefer The Agony to The Ecstasy.
The eighth track, More Human Than Human, is definitely the cherry on top of White Zombie's swan song. It is their undoubtedly their most popular song.
The next track, El Phantasmo and the Chicken-Run Blast-O-Rama, starts with a brilliant intro from the drums, the rest of the instruments complimenting it. It is a rare track which allows non-drummers to appreciate the drums. The drumming is prominent throughout the track. The last line of the final track of the album, Blood, Milk and Sky, goes "… beauty never dies." This may have been an allusion to the end of the band. As sad as that is, this is my favourite song from the album, the deep voice it's recited/sung in, the intro, the music, and even the background vocalists, all so lovely.
In 1998 White Zombie finally split up. Rob Zombie (vocalist) went to pursue his solo career as, well, Rob Zombie. The two artists are different but Rob definitely carries the torch lit by White Zombie.
This is Alternative Metal. I'd ask people who don't listen to metal normally to give this a try. I'd ask people who do listen to metal to keep an open mind. Don't be a part of the haterism. Damn haterists.