Ls Suggest

Ls Suggest

ls suggests / Balcony Bliss

But alas! Where do we get this kind of greenery in a world full of chaos, concrete and black soot? The answer lies only 3-feet away from where we enjoy our daily meals. It stands in the balconies that each of us own, in that tiny apartment of ours, a place most of us love to call home.

3y ago

ls suggests / In cheese we trust!

The block of dairy goodness known as cheese is a delight in every way for the foodie. Sliced, shredded, melted or just nibbled on its own; there is no end to the possible combinations of enjoying cheese.

3y ago

One fine SPA DAY at home

Ever imagine going to a wellness retreat for a week or so, completely secluded from the outside world? No matter how hefty it maybe on the wallet, most of us have jotted down the option on our individual bucket lists.

3y ago

ls suggests / 4 fashion styling tricks to bring down from the runway

This used to be big a few years ago, but is now back for 2020 couture. Brands like Chloé and Balmain showcased some in the form of dresses, pant suits, flowy skirts, but whichever form you choose, make sure to pay close attention to the material.

3y ago

It’s reading time!

Every Breath, The Notebook (Nicholas Sparks); It Ends with Us (Colleen Hoover); Beautiful Disaster (Jamie McGuire); Gone with the Wind (Margaret Mitchell);

3y ago

ls suggests / Eid day table décor: spreading a positive vibe

But my Eid menu will be very simple — polao or beef tehari, Mughlai chicken korma or beef rezala, and gurer payesh and pantoa for desserts and Eid snacks.

3y ago

Etiquettes of re-gifting

A gift is a unique way to deliver love. Spending time choosing the appropriate souvenir, carefully wrapping it, and attaching a tag with a note that brings joy to the receiver is the package of love we term as a gift. It shows how much someone adores you.

3y ago

ls suggests / The most eye-catching jewelleries of 2020

One of the easiest ways to spice up an outfit is adding on some bling. Before you decide to get your hands on some new pieces, pay close attention to all the new trends that have been emerging, because not just the seasons, jewellery trends also change and evolve with time.

4y ago

The story of social media communities

The recent pandemic has taken its toll on our minds and bodies. We are constantly obsessing about when and where it’s going to rear its ugly head, and as a result, also getting unwarranted anxiety attacks.

4y ago

Conferencing in the age of remote working

We have all been pushed into our homes with the current pandemic of Covid-19, which has led to the altering of life’s various activities throughout the world, with working at offices taking a major backseat.

4y ago

A different sort of celebration

A few months into the new year, a morbid uproar in the name of Covid-19 shattered all our plans and made away with them.

4y ago

When to call a lawyer

Before we get into the details, there’s one thing you should know. There are two legal categories— criminal law and civil law.

4y ago

Art on eyelids

While some call it watercolour eye makeup, others call it a pastel splash, but the simplest way to describe this emerging eye shadow trend is to call it art on the eyes — for it looks very similar to a bunch of crayons rubbed on the lid, or a wash of watercolours gently laid on by a brush.

4y ago

Every bit counts

So, what are we doing to save the world? Are we making any meaningful contributions? Or are we sitting idle, dependant on environmental activists and ignoring our individual responsibilities?

4y ago

The trial of wedding style repetitions

Your budget is limited, but the love for your family, friends and ‘kachchi’ is not. So, instead of falling prey to the classic trap of ‘I-have-nothing-to-wear,’ why not use these tricks to make the most of your outfits?

4y ago

Scarves and socks for winter

It is time to put away our linens and cottons, and make room for lots of bulky clothes in our wardrobe.

4y ago

Lash extensions 101

Who does not dream of naturally long, luscious lashes? Sadly, many of us were not born with those, and curlers and mascaras can only do so much!

4y ago

Touch of lush amidst the fuss

Dhaka — one of the most densely populated cities in the world. Moments after taking off in an airplane, the entire city looks like one gigantic and dense block of Lego buildings.

4y ago
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