Novo Manzoor

Novo Manzoor is an athlete. He surfs the web all day. You can reach him at: [email protected]

Scientific terms translated in Bangla: Possibilities and Drawbacks

Among this year's HSC examinees, more than 150,000 were from the Science group.

8y ago

A Beginner's Playlist of Russian Films

It is a black and white silent film, nearing its 100th birthday. It is an out-and-out propaganda film and a must-watch.

8y ago

Games to play when you are angry

We've all been there. Under the control of all-consuming anger, wanting to destroy something,. People vent anger in different ways.

8y ago

Won't Get Fooled Again

Cons, frauds, scams – we've all heard these terms. At the very basic level, these are all confidence tricks.

8y ago

Here Be Giant Robots

There are some celebrated and traditional anime elements most people know about, like giant robots.

8y ago

How to Waste Time on the Internet

Seeing as Facebook exists, wasting time online should be easy, right? But sometimes even social media and YouTube can get boring.

8y ago

Cult Favorite STAR WARS Characters

The Star Wars universe is huge, and teeming with characters. Some of them, despite not being front and centre in the movies, have managed to acquire quite impressive fan followings. Turn away now to avoid spoilers.

8y ago

You Only Care about 150 People

Ever wonder why it's so hard to keep caring about everyone you know? The classmate who used to be your best friend left town...

8y ago
October 8, 2015
October 8, 2015

5 Absurdly Hard to Kill Historical Figures

Historical figures, through their actions, change the course of their surroundings, or human history as a whole. Some of them also left a mark for being very, very hard to kill. Here are 5 historical figures who gave death itself a run for its money.

October 1, 2015
October 1, 2015

Why Travelling To The Past Is A Bad Idea

Time travel is a fascinating concept. Especially, the idea of travelling to the past captures our imagination like no other.

September 17, 2015
September 17, 2015

Things a Chittagonian Misses in Dhaka

Like oxygen, this most emotive of dialects permeates the air of Chittagong. Everyone misses a “Ken ason?” (How are you?), or “Vukh laiggina?” (Are you hungry?) away from home.

August 27, 2015
August 27, 2015

Games with Great Graphics on Low Specs

There are many reasons why you might end up with a weak PC. It might be a hand-me-down laptop from an older person, it might be the trusty family computer you don't want to get rid of, or something else.

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