

Things to consider when choosing a minor specialisation

Your minor specialisation should be aligned with your professional and personal goals.

10m ago

Anime music helped me study for A levels. Here’s how

I repeated the process throughout what time was left, playing a different tune for every question paper.

11m ago

Critical thinking in our curriculum: Too much or too little?

Critical thinking has always been emphasised heavily in education and with good reason.

11m ago

Why we should include philosophy in our curriculum

As more students opt for STEM subjects for its financial prospects, the importance of liberal arts is shrinking.

12m ago

The case for studying law

The word “lawyer” might invoke certain scenes and images in our minds.

1y ago

What it takes to get into DU A unit

Dhaka University’s A unit is the path that leads to studying engineering, pure science, life science, etc.

1y ago

How Dhaka University feels without street vendors

This decision has altered the campus experience for students.

1y ago

A guide to applying for undergraduate programs in the United States

Applying to universities in the United States is a confusing, exhausting, and painful experience.

1y ago

Do's and Don'ts of a CSE Student

Computer Science and Engineering can be a challenging major to deal with. The topics discussed and the lessons imparted here are mostly difficult. By knowing what to do and what not to, one can handle this subject with a bit more ease. The difficulties may not level down, but one can at least overcome them completely or by a long way.

5y ago

The real benefits of tutoring

Tutoring is no child's play. It requires a lot of hard work and dedication if you're to teach your pupils. Giving your all when it comes to tutoring does have its benefits. In return, you will get to have a lot more than just money.

5y ago

Teach For Bangladesh Fellows work tirelessly inside and outside the nation's classrooms to address educational inequity

Teach For Bangladesh Fellows are working tirelessly inside and outside the nation's classrooms to address educational inequity. Join the movement.

5y ago

Unexpected Moments of Happiness You Get as a University Student

These moments are usually rare, but worth it.

5y ago

Curiosa VS Hot Topic

Over the summer holidays last year I had the good fortune of vacationing in Toronto, Ontario. As a Potterhead, there was no way I was going to let this chance of getting my hands on some exclusive merchandise slip by.

5y ago

Dealing with rejection from your dream university

University admission tests are around the corner, and all of us have our heart set on a particular university, along with our parents who sometimes get even more anxious than we do. Most of the students of our country dream of making into public universities. Considering the colossal number of students that are going to compete for the somewhat few seats available, it is like a life-and-death moment for the students and their families. Hereby, a rejection can be life-shattering.

5y ago

HSC 2018: Panic at the examination centre

The question leak issue has been at play over the past several years and has been rotting the core of our education's assessment system—board examinations. This year however, after the question leaks in the Secondary School Certificate examination (SSC), the authorities have taken stricter measures to prevent question leaks, including social media surveillance and better security around exam centres. It was also announced that all district boards will supply the same question paper, choosing amongst 4 sets of previously prepared question papers, which will be done 25 minutes before the exam. This policy has given birth to a new set of problems.

6y ago

What Not to Do During Your Thesis

Be prepared for the nightmare awaiting.

6y ago

A student's guide to scripting an audiovisual

In recent years, AVs have transcended beyond just the commercial sphere. Students are more and more involved in making AVs for academic purposes. Applying for higher studies abroad often requires video essays. Furthermore, the rise of student-level branding competitions ushers in creative submissions which more often than not require making ads, team videos or campaign videos.

6y ago

Anthropology: It's more than just old bones

As an undergraduate student of Anthropology, I've spent the past 4 years explaining to countless people what my major is. It's not an easy task because Anthropology is the result of some dissatisfied thinkers believing existing

6y ago
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