
#Perspective / Unveiling the deception of social media

Behind every photo, every video, and every post lies a curated process which is always aimed at portraying an “ideal” version of oneself to the world.

Flower magic!

People have held a perennial fascination for flowers. While most do not see its allure beyond beauty and fragrance, some have been known to be inexorably drawn to these natural marvels despite their apparent lack of functionality. The question is, why?

#Perspective / Generations through a lens: Changing times for women

The changes Bangladeshi women have witnessed right before their eyes are nothing short of a phenomenon. From the whispered admonitions of the grandmother and the silent struggles of the mother to the bold declarations of the daughter — the journey of women through changing times reflects both continuity and transformation.

#Perspective / Creaky backs and shattered hearts: What they don’t tell you about your 30s

Life doesn't always unfold according to societal expectations or personal plans, especially as you enter your thirties. While there's often pressure to achieve certain milestones by a certain age, the reality is far more complex. Here's a glimpse into what you might encounter as you navigate your 30s and beyond.

#Perspective / The science behind love: A biological ballet, an endocrine euphony

It often elicits an unexplainable sensation — the most enigmatic force that has influenced centuries of philosophical discourse, poetry, and literature. However, in reality, love can be understood through scientific means.

#Perspective / Echoes of a fading melody: The story of bansuri artist Kamol Sarker

Amidst the cacophony of the fairground, the sound of the flute came floating in the air. An elderly man was seen immersed in playing the bansuri (flute). He sat on a mat, with his craft — bamboo flutes — in front of him. Clad in a worn-out hoodie and faded pants, he looked no less endearing than a character from a modern-day fairy tale. Hailing from the district of Jhenaidah, Kamol Sarker, now 80, attends fairs in the city, hoping to sell his handmade bamboo flutes.

#Perspective / Friendship knows no time: Dhaka's heart-warming hospitality

Dhaka means the world to me. Most of my professional life has been here and a large chunk of my personal life is intrinsically linked with Dhaka. I am never tired of the city. Yes, there are obstacles. Yes, there are resource shortages. Yes, there are insane traffic snarls. But there is one thing which is never in short supply — great people!

Rangamati's culinary canvas: Where simplicity meets sophistication

In Rangamati, the culinary approach takes a gentle detour from Dhaka's romance with robust spices. Here, the kitchen's philosophy is about understatement – where freshly sourced ingredients' natural flavours are spotlighted. It's a refreshing departure from the spice-intense culinary narrative that Dhaka so proudly narrates.

Foodie revolution: Men making waves in the kitchen—Here's why

The field of culinary arts in recent years has undergone a paradigm shift. There has been a huge surge of men interested in the culinary arts, showing once and for all that the kitchen is for everyone. We wanted to take a second to explore crucial elements that have caused this movement.

July 9, 2022
July 9, 2022

Metrophilia: How to Love Dhaka

If you want to fall in love with the city—walk. This simple aphorism opens up a full discourse on how we can make our cities liveable and civic, and how we might live together as a collective.

June 7, 2022
June 7, 2022

The romance of rain, or not!

Monsoon is dreamy for some and exasperating for others, yet it is the best season in Bangladesh. The rivers are full and abundant with sweet water fish, nature is at its greenest best.

May 8, 2022
May 8, 2022

Mother’s Day 2022: Supermoms are outdated

Today is Mother’s Day and as we scramble to buy last minute gifts for all the mother figures in our lives, let us pause and ask ourselves frankly — at a time when postpartum depression is at its peak, workplaces are especially unforgiving to women who have just given birth, and the immediate family scene is replete with taunts about being a “good mother”, is an engraved pendant or a spa session enough to make mothers happy?

February 2, 2016
February 2, 2016

Conflicts: a matter of perspective

I wonder if anyone remembers the film 'Rashomon', directed by Akira Korasawa. It was about an incident in which all four parties involved had their own perspective on what took place.

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