

EVENT / Slam Poetry Nights 4 goes to Gulshan Paara Uthshab

SHOUT and Daily Star Books jointly organise the Slam Poetry Nights once every month to offer a platform for conversations on art, personal freedom, and the issues urgent to the country’s people, all through the lens of poetry. 

1y ago

National Earth Olympiad Award: British High Commission recognises 35 finalists

British High Commission in Dhaka has celebrated the national finalists who will represent Bangladesh at the International Earth Science Olympiad 2022.

1y ago

Celebrating the Power of Youth

Battle of Minds was incepted in 2004 by British American Tobacco Bangladesh as the country’s first corporate talent grooming platform geared towards university students hungry to embrace leadership positions of tomorrow.

4y ago

A new wave of theatre in Dhaka

One weeknight this past September, I pushed through traffic to the other end of the city for a cultural experience. An Agatha Christie play was being staged in my city – an event I couldn’t miss.

4y ago

Life Is Fun Science Fair 2019: A programme by Agami Education Foundation

“Life Is Fun Science Fair 2019” was held for the second time, as part of the “Life Is Fun” science education programme by Agami Education Foundation (AEF).

4y ago



4y ago



4y ago

event / International symposium on higher education at IUB

On September 6, 2019, Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) hosted a global symposium titled “Re-envisioning Higher Education in an Era of Technology Convergence” with Dr. Vistasp M. Karbhari,

4y ago


In celebration of International Day of Democracy, EMK Center and SHOUT, the youth magazine by The Daily Star hosted a photography exhibition at EMK Center, titled “Celebrating Democracy Through Photography” which was inaugurated on September 15, 2018. The exhibition was open for all till September 22, 2018.

5y ago

Bangladesh excels at WSDC 2018

The World Schools Debating Championships (WSDC) is the annual debate competition where the best school debaters from all over the world face each other, holding on to the dreams of representing their motherland on the big stage.

5y ago

IBA, DU team wins the Global Round of Battle of Minds in London

After several exciting rounds that lasted for about 4 months, from idea submission to crossing phases one after the other, Battle of Minds finally concluded with a triumph for Bangladesh with Sourodip Paul, Arijit Saha, and Ramim Ahmed and their team “Je Ne Sais Quoi” from IBA, DU.

5y ago

The perfect win - Two Bangladeshi teams compete in the UADC finale

History was made when two teams from Bangladesh went head on during the finals of United Asian Debating Championship (UADC) 2018, the most celebrated inter-varsity Parliamentary Debate Tournament in Asia. This was the 9th instalment of UADC, held in Bandung, Indonesia starting on May 27, 2018 and it is the first time teams from Bangladesh reached the finals and won the championship for the country.

5y ago

Battle Of Minds Goes Global

Upholding its legacy, Battle of Minds stepped into its 15th year - a concept that originated in BAT Bangladesh with a vision to establish a world class platform where university students from Bangladesh can showcase their talents and receive the recognition they deserve.

5y ago

When a Hermit Goes Eid Shopping

Being a hermit for the most part of your life, you have always preferred your little cramped bat-cave over proper dose of vitamin D. But let's be real, you still step out of your safe haven once in a while for the purpose of being human. One fine, scorching day during Ramadan, an idea strikes you, which soon turns out to be a terrible one. And for once in your life, you feel brave enough to go for it.

5y ago

Shopping for other people during Eid

I'm sure you all know how much we Bangladeshis enjoy shopping. The roads being full to the brim with clusters of people should be a good enough indicator of that fact. Not all of the things we buy are for ourselves, however. In fact, a significant portion of our shopping time is spent seeking out gifts for relatives and friends. This poses a unique set of struggles, some of which are highlighted below.

5y ago

Bangladesh university of business and technology

Established in 2003 under the Private University Act of 1992, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology (BUBT) was created by the governing body of Dhaka Commerce College with the vision to create an institution that can provide quality education and training to the prospective students. The institution, run by a Board of Trustees and a Syndicate, set out to follow North American university standards under the regulations set by the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh (UGC).

5y ago

An evening of music and comedy with The Mic Peeps

While Dhaka may seem to lack shows where people can go and socialise at, “The Mic Peeps” have been offering a great solution. Starting its journey on February 1, 2018 at Banani's Gourmet Bazar, The Mic Peeps aims to help people showcase their talents in music, comedy, and any other form of performing arts. So far they've collaborated with the venue to host seven shows, with the most recent one taking place on May 10. I got the chance to visit the event and see what it was all about.

5y ago

Celebrating 80 Years of Superman

It's no secret that superheroes are pretty in now, enjoying a period of popularity in the mainstream thanks to a golden age of superhero media, from films to TV to even video games. While the DCEU is a hot sprawling mess, Superman still remains an iconic and beloved character in the hearts of people around the world, and it's pretty safe to say we'd be missing an entire industry if it wasn't for him.

6y ago
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