

Of meals that ended up as the pièce de résistance of journeys

Bourdain, the genius both in and out of the kitchen, once famously said, “Travel changes you. As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly, you leave marks behind, however small. And in return, life—and travel—leaves marks on you.” There

4y ago

Death is different for a daughter

We think of death as the great equaliser. We come to this world alone—as the saying goes—and so we take part of it alone too. The grief that consumes the deceased’s loved ones also seems like a universal experience, and so we console each other with words of

4y ago

Down Memory Lane

During a chat with my mother one evening, I asked her, "Which belonging of yours do you cherish the most?” I expected her to name her favourite kitchen utensils (which she guards with her life by the way) or her money pouch or that mobile phone of hers which she uses to video call anyone and everyone at the oddest of hours.

5y ago

My memory from a time in the past

They say, rereading a beloved childhood book, much later in your life, helps you rediscover yourself. The day afterpoet Al Mahmud's death, I reopened one of his poetry books, Pakhir Kachhe, Phooler Kachhe, the only collection of the poet I have ever read and owned.

5y ago

Eishob Dinraatri

Every cat is a great teacher. I live with five and I know for a fact that they are.

5y ago

The journey for a home

Anthropologist James Clifford says that the term travel can be understood as a form of 'global contacts' in a post-colonial word. I realised that a genuine traveller is reflective, moving across a landscape where things are in place.

5y ago

A little bit of everything makes millennials the most anxious generation

The internet has had a complete ball of a year, thanks to millennials turning older and 'CRAY-zier' and fighting the growing costs of living. If you think that this 'I cannot buy a home because I spent all my money on avocadoes and that is why I am sad' is a problem just in the west, just drag your mouse and zoom in on Dhaka on the map (especially on the tri-state area).

5y ago

Naiyor: A Tale of Two Passages in Two Eras

Imagine, dear reader, a youthful village belle. Transport yourself back 50 or 60 years ago. She lives with her husband and her in-laws in a farming homestead in rural East Bengal. It's been a few years since she arrived in her new home.

5y ago

What's Real and What's Not

How we perceive other people and how we are perceived depends immensely on our own characters.

7y ago


Remember the sitcom, Friends? Of course you do. Remember the time how panicked Chandler and Monica became when they

7y ago

Taste of Summer

Summer is hot. Even countries with bitingly cold winter can have hot summer. Deserts and arid plains is naturally hot and the

8y ago

Gramophone's Gauhar Jaan

Gauhar Jaan was a songstress of Hindustani music who came into limelight in the last decade of 19th century and dominated the first...

8y ago

Readying the Future Today

Can leadership be taught in a classroom? We are confronted with this question every day when we teach leadership to a diverse group

8y ago


There's no point in elaborating how the habit of reading helps in a person's emotional, cognitive and creative development: the myriad

8y ago


Many of us tend to think that the world of blogging is a realm only limited to the so-called creative professionals - writers,

8y ago

Once upon a time in Dacca

Marriages are made in heaven but customs are made in society. In pre-partition and early fifties of Dhaka pairs were

8y ago

Gluttony or Gastronomic Delight

Gluttony is the fifth among the western grouping of seven deadly vices or cardinal sins. It was introduced in fourth century CE for ethical education and confession. The others are pride, greed, lust, envy, wrath and sloth.

8y ago


Nobody listens! Everybody just wants to talk. To let our voices be heard is more important than hearing what the other party has to say, it seems. But is that really so?

8y ago
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