Reema Islam

A Falguni platter: Cooking edible flowers

Falgun arrives in a flurry of yellow and I am pleased to share some popular Bengali recipes, in collaboration with Joyadrita Ragavendran Chatterjee, who shares her family specials from West Bengal.

2m ago

Recipes from around the world

The year 2024 arrived with a sudden cold wave that called for the warmest dishes one can conjure. As we bid adieu to this cold weather and look forward to the yellows of spring, we take advantage of the chilly evenings for the last of this season’s warm soups and pies. A Fearless Olive version of the recipes and a personal favourite to brighten your dinner tables. Have a lovely week!

3m ago

Delicious flavours from o par Bangla

This Durga Puja, I collaborated with Joyadrita Ragavendran Chatterjee from across the border to share some of her family favourites. Joyadrita grew up enjoying the culture of both East Bengal and West Bengal as her maternal side is from Bangladesh and her paternal side is from India.

7m ago

Recipes using Balsamic vinegar: Exploring its health benefits

From lowering blood sugar and pressure levels, increasing the ability to absorb vitamins in the body and reducing hypertension, balsamic vinegar denotes to the word balm-like. The following are some recipes that uses Balsamic vinegar.

10m ago

Meat recipes to try from around the world

Sometimes, after any enthusiastic grocery shopping, we are left with a lot of meat in the refrigerator. If you are tired of having meat dishes deshi style, these three recipes are the perfect cure for you.

10m ago

4 lamb recipes for Eid ul Azha

In our recipe column dedicated to the flavours of Eid, we invite you on a culinary journey through rich lamb dishes from around the world that will dazzle your taste buds.

11m ago

Recipes for Eid day special dishes

Allow me to navigate you through some of the most popular dishes eaten around the world to celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr. From Anatolia to the Levant, we will rummage around our kitchen to look for ingredients that are readily available, to make something that offers your loved ones a different experience. Let the biriyanis and the shemai take a back seat for a change and dig into a large dish of rice and meat or get an overdose of Eid cookies. Above all, share your meals with loved ones and have a lovely Eid.

1y ago

Fusion Terminal – Bottling our local heritage

Bilimbi is a fruit unknown to many Bangladeshis; the same goes for jara lebu — a Sylheti citrus. Both these find a new avatar, along with local tomatoes, being transformed into sundried ones, coming together in a unique set of pickles from the house of Fusion Terminal.

3y ago
February 27, 2018
February 27, 2018

The Olive Harvest in Crete, Greece

As winter approaches, the Greeks start preparing for the olive harvest season. With the third highest production worldwide, more than 80% of which is extra virgin olive oil, harvesting this fruit is still very much a family affair for many Greeks.

January 30, 2018
January 30, 2018

A delectable mix

The year began with a cold wave that made us all want to curl up into a ball and stay hidden under the warmth of our blankets. It also left most of us sniffling and coughing with the seasonal flu.

November 21, 2017
November 21, 2017

Cheers to the newlyweds

Give me a sun, I care not how hot, and sherbet, I care not how cool, and my Heaven is as easily made as your Persian's.

October 31, 2017
October 31, 2017

Pumpkins galore

An ancient Celtic festival, a goddess of gardens and fruits, and a mixture of many rituals over the centuries leaves us celebrating the macabre on the last day of October.

September 26, 2017
September 26, 2017

'Bhuribhoj' on Durga Puja

Bengali Hindu households respond to 'mayer dak' as Durga Puja arrives in all its splendour and people prepare for this autumn festival of welcoming the mother home.

September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017

Greek bovine delicacies

The Venetians are credited for bringing in the stifado when they came to rule Greece around the 13th century CE and the dish is full of… onions. Tiny ones, but just load it up with them!

August 22, 2017
August 22, 2017

The Exotic Cretan Menu on Eid

As I sit writing this article on the Greek island of Crete, the song of the cicadas serenades me and I think of Dhaka and the festival of sacrifice just around the corner. Goat meat is high on every Cretan menu so I take this opportunity to share some Greek meat dishes and one from across the border in Turkey. Eat healthy and may your bellies be filled with good food and your hearts with the best wishes of loves ones.

August 1, 2017
August 1, 2017

Warm, comforting soups

No matter how healthy we eat during the day, late in the afternoon we tend to get peckish and often experience a sudden craving for fried snacks.

July 18, 2017
July 18, 2017

Sheep Shearing or Kouraes in Crete

One of the first things you notice on the mountains of Crete are the goats and the sheep. Hordes of them.

May 30, 2017
May 30, 2017

Healthy is the new delicious

O moon-faced Beloved, the month of Ramadan has arrived, Cover the table, and open the path of praise.

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