egg price

Falling egg prices leave poultry farmers in a bind

price of each egg at farm level has fallen by between Tk 3 to Tk 3.5 in one month

3 essential commodities: Price caps prove a total failure

The government failed to enforce the price cap on onions and potatoes even for a single day since it issued the order about a month ago.

Govt allows 6 companies to import 6 crore pieces of eggs

The government has allowed six companies to import six crore pieces of eggs.

Potatoes, eggs, onions still not being sold at govt-fixed prices

Potatoes, eggs and onions are not being sold at the price fixed by the government at the retail level despite government agencies conducting raids.

Why set price caps if no shopkeeper complies?

Prices of onions, potatoes, and eggs continue to remain unstable

Govt move to check prices falls flat

The commerce ministry’s price cap on onions, potatoes, and eggs barely made an impact on the runaway prices as shopkeepers in the capital have not complied with the order.

Corporates, poultry giants expand foothold in egg market

Bangladesh’s egg market used to be largely ruled by thousands of small retailers and wholesalers, but the composition of sellers has been changing for the past several years with the emergence of large corporates and poultry industry giants.

How many eggs are there in our basket?

In a highly competitive market like the egg market, one would expect prices to remain stable. They can rise, but over time.

Witnessing the price hike parody

Will we hear yet another "eggcellent" proposal to import dub in order to force the local market to lower their price?

August 13, 2023
August 13, 2023

Eggs to be imported if required: commerce minister

The government would import eggs if the price of the low-cost source of protein keeps an upward trend, said Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi.

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