kundalini rising / Heart to heart on World Heart Day!

It is more than just a tireless muscle that governs our flow of blood to the rest of the body; the heart is also an energy centre that governs our ability to give and receive love, and our ability to heal from loss and grief.

3y ago

kundalini rising / Healthy Digestion through Yoga: Nauli Kriya

Nau means boat (like nauka) and Li means cling, so in nauli kriya, the abdominal muscles cling to the abdominal wall while moving like a boat on the rolling waves of the ocean. It allows you to massage the organs in your abdominal region through the circular movement of the abdominal muscles.

3y ago

Eight limbs of Ashtanga yoga

Ashtanga is a vigorous and demanding physical practice. Maintaining a daily routine of the ‘primary series,’ as the sequence of asanas is called, requires discipline and dedication as well as an entire overhaul of one’s lifestyle.

4y ago

kundalini rising / Balancing your energy

The body is more than the sum of its parts. It is physical and energetic. Various parts of our body generate various frequencies and the body

4y ago

kundalini rising / Tete-a-tete with James ‘Fish’ Gill

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Fish in Sri Lanka. His approach to yoga as a form of healing and therapy was gentle and inspiring. The following is a takeaway from that meeting.

4y ago

kundalini rising / Wellbeing and Wanderlust

If your new year’s resolution included health, happiness and positive lifestyle, then making time for a yoga retreat is the best gift you can give yourself.

4y ago

The Brahma mudra

Externally simple, the Brahma mudra allows you to access deeper channels of inner focus. Everyone can do it, but its potency grows as students go deeper into their practice.

4y ago

kundalini rising / Interview of a Yogi: Gillian Breetzke

I have always been interested in spirituality, and wanted to understand more about life and our existence here on earth.

4y ago

Pranayama – Expanding Your Energy

There is a vital energy or life force flowing through us all, maintaining physical functions that keep us alive and healthy. Various cultures have assigned different names for this single life force; Qi, Chi, The Force. The Sanskrit term for life force is “prana.”

5y ago

Flower Moon

Today's full moon is called the Flower Moon in honour of May's abundant blooms. Flower Moon observations revolve around the bounty and beauty of nature this time of the year. The name has Native American origins, and in North America at this time, there are multitude of wildflowers in bloom, such as anemones, wild garlic, indigo, bluebells, lupines, sundrops, and violets.

6y ago

Know your knees

Ask any med student, and they will all agree that the knee is probably the most complex joint in the body. As a matter of fact most of the people who take up my course come with problems related to weak knees, or injury. Others suffer back aches that originate from their knees, although they do not even realise it.

6y ago

Strong to the Core

There are three core muscles in the abdominals: the transverse, the rectus and the internal and external obliques. In pilates, this core is referred to as the Power House. The power house is made up of three sets of muscles”

6y ago

No More Back Pain

Most of us spend hours at the office, sitting on a chair (that is perhaps not ergonomically designed), with our necks bent towards a

6y ago

Of mindfulness

The greatest present you can give is your presence!

6y ago

This Ramadan, what's on your Mind Platter?

We generally think of the food pyramid when we think of what items should be on our plate to optimise physical health. What would be the equivalent of a recommended daily diet for a healthy mind?

7y ago

The healthy and holy detox — Yoga during Ramadan

It is a month of introspection, devotion and self-discipline. Comprising 30 days of abstinence, during Ramadan, it is important to keep your mind and body strong.

7y ago

Sonic salutations to the sun

Surya Namaskar has many benefits. Here are a few: weight loss, better blood circulation, strengthening of muscles and joints, improved flexibility and toning, improved digestion and respiration, improved sleep, reduced depression and anxiety, regularised menstrual cycle, reduced blood sugar level, detoxification of the body and calming of the mind.

7y ago

Hanging on in quiet desperation?

Many Bangladeshis experience depression and anxiety, but the general mass lack awareness on the causes, the symptoms or treatment of mental illnesses. Often people are even oblivious to fact that they suffer from mild to severe forms of depression.

7y ago
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