Fusion Terminal – Bottling our local heritage

Bilimbi is a fruit unknown to many Bangladeshis; the same goes for jara lebu — a Sylheti citrus. Both these find a new avatar, along with local tomatoes, being transformed into sundried ones, coming together in a unique set of pickles from the house of Fusion Terminal.

3y ago

Work from home bowls

Fried potatoes don’t always have to mean chips, but this bowl brings in cheese and chips in a new combo avatar.

3y ago

the fearless olive / Post-Eid table spread

Eid maybe over, but the mood for festivities certainly isn’t.

3y ago

Father’s Day recipes

So, to those of you lucky enough to have your fathers around, please take some time out and prepare something this Fathers' Day. And to all the fathers, have an amazing day!

3y ago

the fearless olive / Office lunches from around the world

I rallied around with friends spread across the globe and requested (read pleaded/hounded) them to send me images of the food they ate at lunch in office, offering a unique glimpse into their food cultures and traditions.

4y ago

the fearless olive / Fabulous February

As we approach spring, while still enjoying the pleasant weather, here are some recipes to give you a diverse mix of foods that celebrate the changing seasons. From the Philippines and Greece to The Fearless Olive’s humble kitchen, these recipes are easy to make; add a dash of love for food, and you have an impressive spread this February.

4y ago

the fearless olive / Cleansing Diet

The season has hit us in all its vibrant glory, and as we wedding hop our way around the city, navigating through the snaking traffic lines and hoping the venue will not be too cold and chill us to the bone, please let me help you choose some cleansing recipes to help combat all the grease and excessiveness of the weddings and the dawats that follow.

4y ago

the fearless olive / Sri Lanka — Ayobowan (welcome)

A teardrop in the ocean, Sri Lanka is known for many things, like its tea, and for us South East Asians, its cricket. However, one of the last things to be expected is the amazing diversity of its people.

4y ago

Seasoning Halloween

Come October and our senses start to focus on the last day when we can watch the best horror movies on repeat as we try to spook ourselves with a variety of scares. October also heralds cooler days and the arrival of pumpkin season, in all its gourdy gloriousness!

4y ago

Treasured desserts

October is here, and we can finally enjoy the slightly cooler weather, which will hopefully roll into a winter that lets us all enjoy our hot soups and steaming mugs of tea. With that in mind, here are a few recipes to encourage you to get more creative in the kitchen this week.

4y ago

Zagori – beyond the mountains of Greece

Greece is possibly one of the last countries you would expect to find rocky, snow-capped mountains, interjected by stone forests and gurgling streams.

4y ago

The big Greek wedding

After spending a year on the island of Crete, attending a thoroughly traditional wedding that lasted till 7AM, and a more modern one in Athens, where the festivities wrapped up by 4AM, my take on Greek weddings is that they give our versions a stiff competition when it comes to rituals and traditions.

5y ago

Tweaking tradition

Durga Puja has been for centuries an occasion to rejoice, a festival celebrated by the masses irrespective of religious beliefs. With everyone preparing the most traditional platters throughout the days that mark the final homecoming, there is plenty of scope to go for slight deviations.

5y ago

Vegetarian restaurants: a Holy Grail

The Dhakaite's palate was further polished with the advent of the café culture and now, people either crave for a black, sugar-free coffee, or the multitude of flavoured ones, as opposed to the 3-in-one Nescafe affair from about a decade ago.

5y ago

A different touch

A time for sacrifice but more importantly, a time for sharing, arrives once again for us as we celebrate Eid-ul-Azha. While we run

5y ago

Broccoli Soup with Rice

Another Fearless Olive rendition of the classic broccoli soup, now with some carbs and a bit of milk to replace the heavy cream that many prefer. Slurp away!

5y ago

Dinner in Disguise

With the world cup at this final exciting home stretch, it warrants people staying late, or staying over completely to enjoy the matches. And what goes great with an exciting match and even heated arguments over who will win the cup?

5y ago

A different kind of Iftar

The Italians love eating bread and have found all kinds of combinations to satiate their love of it. Focaccia is one such example of the many types of bread and it is consumed throughout the Mediterranean. I attempted a Fearless Olive version of this bread which can be placed as an accompaniment to the other iftar items.

6y ago
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