Ghulam Sumdany Don

Professional corporate trainer and Chief Inspirational Officer at Don Sumdany Facilitation & Consultancy

Time in traffic, waste or invest?

Living in Dhaka and spending time in traffic comes hand in hand. Either we find a way to deal with it or just sleep through it. Even though it

3y ago

Time in traffic, waste or invest?

Living in Dhaka and spending time in traffic comes hand in hand. Either we find a way to deal with it or just sleep through it.

3y ago

Things no educational institute will teach you

Here are a few of my learnings that my education institution didn’t teach me:

4y ago

The Subtle Art of Giving Advice

Advice. We all love to give it but taking it from someone is not really a moment of triumph for many of us. It does not occur to us that most times, the right advice from the right people can be fruitful for us.

4y ago

Expectation vs. Reality in your mid 20s

Life is never what we expect it to be. That is especially true in our mid-20s, where everyone is in a rush to make it to the top. Everyone

4y ago

5 life lessons to learn from the Cricket World Cup 2019

The cricket world cup fever has taken over. From the joyous win against West Indies to witnessing the thrilling match of India-

4y ago

The age of language

So let's take a look at few ways in which one can keep advancing with current trends without losing touch with their roots.

5y ago

Life Lessons Only Books Can Teach You

Books are a man's best friend. What your surroundings can't teach you, the pages of a book will. But unfortunately, many of us are losing the great habit of reading books.

5y ago
January 29, 2019
January 29, 2019

Why New Year's Resolutions Don't Work

As the new year has been welcomed, the most common thing many of us did is setting up New Year's resolutions. As much as we love to have a target set for the coming year

December 11, 2018
December 11, 2018

Lessons I learnt from travelling

Travelling is the best therapy of all. Travelling has taught me more than any classroom ever has. It has shown me the practical implications of life. It has taught me to respect everyone's views. So let's explore a few lessons that I have learnt throughout the years of travelling.

October 23, 2018
October 23, 2018

Questions you need to ask yourself before switching jobs

It can make you look disloyal, or not worth the time and money to hire you. If you are wondering about when is the right time to switch jobs, then here are some basic questions that you need to answer before you consider switching your current job.

October 9, 2018
October 9, 2018

Why attitude is more important than intelligence

A growing trend among companies nowadays is to recruit employees based on their attitudes instead of focusing on educational qualifications. Screening processes include rounds catering to employees' unique personalities. Why is that?

September 18, 2018
September 18, 2018

Win against low self-esteem

To define self-esteem, you need to realise that different people attain validation in different ways. What gives a meaning to your self-esteem would not necessarily invoke the sense of fulfilment in someone else.

August 21, 2018
August 21, 2018

Overcome the English handicap

Have you ever experienced the numbing fear in speaking English? Do you always hope that your boss doesn't pick you to pitch the new idea in front of the clients? Well, fear is an emotion that we all try to avoid,

July 10, 2018
July 10, 2018

Biggest Career Mistakes Millennials Make

Millennials have inherited a very different world from their predecessors. While the advantages of having the world at our fingertips is innumerable, it also provides us with a continuous psychological dilemma of choosing from innumerable options for everything.

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