Chowdhury Tasneem Hasin

Nutritional benefits of jackfruit

Jackfruit is a summer delight in this part of the world. Packed with nutrition the raw fruit is eaten as a vegetable; it is consumed as a ripe fruit; used to make pithas and other sweet dishes. Many include jackfruit in their summer diet, while others detest the taste and the smell. Be that as it may, jackfruit remains one of the richest sources of vitamins, minerals, and fibres.

10m ago

Health benefits of citrus fruits

Regarded as a nutritional powerhouse, citrus fruits are a rich source of vitamins and minerals. It includes a variety of healthy ingredients, including vitamin C, an antioxidant that guards against cell damage.

1y ago

The rainbow diet: Health benefits of coloured fruits and vegetables

From white, the brightest orange, to the deepest purple — make your meals and snacks as colourful as possible. Each colour provides unique health benefits and no one colour is superior to another, which is why a balance of all colours is most important. The ultimate goal of a ‘rainbow diet’ is to add 30 plus different colourful fruits and vegetables to your meals every week. Just plan for one colourful plant-based food at every meal and instead of rich, sugary treats after the meals or for between-meal snacks, use fresh fruits to satisfy the sweet tooth. Read on to learn more about the health benefits of coloured fruits and vegetables.

1y ago

What to eat during winter: Your essential diet for the season

We observe a drastic change in our food preferences, metabolism, and even energy levels during winter. With falling temperatures, our cravings for food also increase. However, no season justifies unhealthy eating habits, and we must maintain a balance in what we consume. Irrespective of the season, we should make a proper meal plan to fulfill our nutritional needs.

1y ago

Diet and nutrition for Hepatitis: Foods to eat and avoid when you have a liver problem

There are many confusions and misconceptions surrounding the ideal diet of a person suffering from liver diseases. The diet of a person effected by liver disease like hepatitis and liver cirrhosis must be balanced yet nutritious as it is a part of treatment therapy.

1y ago

The health benefits of eating hilsa

Not only does it taste great, but hilsa is also a powerhouse of nutrition. A diet rich in hilsa fish has many health benefits and the fact that it’s the season for hilsa gives us another reason to include it regularly in our diet. A 100g of edible hilsa contains roughly 310 calories, 22g protein, and 19.5g fat. Polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA obtained from fish oil are reported to have potential in curing coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, diabetes rheumatoid arthritis, brain development, cancer, and depression. It also supplies the daily requirements of 27 percent of vitamin C, 2 percent of the iron, and an incredible 204 percent of calcium.

1y ago

Special food for special needs like Autism

Many individuals with autism have food aversions and sensitivities. Many also have behavioural issues that make mealtime particularly challenging. Researchers have found that children with ASD are five times more likely to have mealtime challenges such as tantrums, extreme food selectivity and ritualistic eating behaviours. Inadequate nutrition is also found to be more common among children with autism.

1y ago

Summer fruits for diabetes: What to eat, and how much?

We generally tend to think that sweet things are not good for people with diabetes. At first glance this seems to make sense. However, there is a big difference between the sugar that we find in a fruit and in the added sugar that we might sprinkle on top. In a fruit, the fructose accompanied by fibre, vitamins, minerals, and so many other nutrients are good for our bodies.  Fruits have other health benefits, ranging from controlling high blood pressure to reducing inflammation and even blood sugar levels. A person with diabetes should not avoid fruit in general, as it is essential for a balanced diet. When eating fruits, all we need to be mindful of is our serving sizes — one serving of fresh fruit is approximately the amount that can fit into the palm of an adult hand!

1y ago
May 15, 2018
May 15, 2018

Ramadan for chronic conditions

Muslims worldwide observe an absolute fast from dawn to sunset without any food or drink. Ramadan can be a challenging time for many people, as their usual eating routine changes significantly. But it is especially important for people with chronic conditions to be aware of the special dietary needs that fasting can entail for them.

May 8, 2018
May 8, 2018

Ramadan calling!

Fasting is an essential part of faith in innumerable religions spread across the world. Yet, the fundamental difference between fasting in Islam and other beliefs is that the one prescribed in the sacred book of Islam ensures that although abstinence is there, the permitted period of food consumption guarantees that there is no real chance of malnutrition or inadequate calorie intake.

May 1, 2018
May 1, 2018

Country fruits

In the current context, where food adulteration is a common phenomenon, perhaps consuming seasonal fruits, in their right season, is as safe as we can be from toxic chemical preservatives. They are also cheaper and as the years go round, makes sure that the taste buds don't get bored.

March 13, 2018
March 13, 2018

Effect of diet on a diseased kidney

When you have chronic kidney disease, diet is an important part of your treatment plan. Dietary treatment sometimes can be extremely complicated with coexisting conditions like diabetes and may changes over time depending on the functional status of the kidney.

March 6, 2018
March 6, 2018

Go Organic

Organic food refers to food products that are produced, prepared, and processed without the use of any chemicals. It prohibits the use of chemical pesticides, chemical fertilizers, or chemical preservatives. Organic livestock raised for meat, eggs, and dairy products must have access to the outdoors and be given organic feed. They may not be given antibiotics, growth hormones, or any animal by-products.

February 13, 2018
February 13, 2018

Food boosting the cancer fight

Cancer treatments are designed to kill cancer cells. But this treatment can also damage healthy cells, which can cause eating

January 9, 2018
January 9, 2018

Healthy food for healthy hair

Several factors influence hair growth — genetics, age, hormones, and nutrients. Hair strands are basically made of protein and because of this, unless we consume foods high in nutritional content

December 12, 2017
December 12, 2017

Fight the cold with food

As the temperature continues to drop it becomes increasingly challenging to maintain a healthy diet, though we can try to enrich our menu with some winter friendly foods.

November 7, 2017
November 7, 2017

Why should we eat vegetables?

It would not be easy to find a child who hasn't questioned the need to have fruits. Most fruits are sweet and possibly, the reason for being such favourites.

August 1, 2017
August 1, 2017

Food allergy

A food allergy is an abnormal response to a food triggered by our body's immune system.

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