Victimes' Tales...

Victimes' Tales...

Since Islamic State swept into Mosul, we live encircled by its dark fear / Since Islamic State swept into Mosul, we live encircled by its dark fear

Since the fighters of Islamic State (Isis) swept into our city on 10 June, we have been living in a state of fear and limbo – fear of the brutality of Isis, and in limbo not knowing when, or if, the Iraqi government or international forces will push them out.

9y ago

Iraq: The minorities of Nineveh / Iraq: The minorities of Nineveh

The conflict in Iraq is often framed as a struggle between Shias and Sunnis and Arabs and Kurds - but the country is home to a number of minority groups who find themselves caught in the violence and in political bargains beyond their control.

9y ago

'They are savages,' say Christians forced to flee Mosul by Isis / 'They are savages,' say Christians forced to flee Mosul by Isis

Iraqi Christians who were forced to flee the northern city of Mosul under threat of forced conversion or execution by jihadists have spoken of their terror as churches were turned into mosques and their homes and property confiscated.

9y ago

IS, a formidable tactical fighting force / IS, a formidable tactical fighting force

The Islamic State, as demonstrated by its siege of Kobane under a relentless U.S. aerial assault, is a tactical fighting force, capable of maintaining discipline even in the face of another determined force like the Kurdish YPG.

9y ago