Governance in Bangladesh

Does continuity of a regime guarantee stability and development?

The test of a country’s stability is to what extent it can remain insensitive to any sort of change of government or leadership.

‘Louha tribhuj’ and the political economy of development

A political economy lens is needed to understand the current situation of Bangladesh.

TRIBUTE / Akbar Ali Khan: the “Learned” and self-critical scholar

He intended to break down the jargon of economics, history, politics, and the theories behind it and make them palatable to the everyday readers. He inspired people to take part in shaping the tools and mechanisms that drive the governance of the state.

IMF Loan Talks: Here's how we need to prepare

The economy needs firm handling to ensure the situation doesn't turn into a crisis.

April 29, 2024
April 29, 2024

Does continuity of a regime guarantee stability and development?

The test of a country’s stability is to what extent it can remain insensitive to any sort of change of government or leadership.

September 29, 2022
September 29, 2022

‘Louha tribhuj’ and the political economy of development

A political economy lens is needed to understand the current situation of Bangladesh.

September 15, 2022
September 15, 2022

Akbar Ali Khan: the “Learned” and self-critical scholar

He intended to break down the jargon of economics, history, politics, and the theories behind it and make them palatable to the everyday readers. He inspired people to take part in shaping the tools and mechanisms that drive the governance of the state.

August 25, 2022
August 25, 2022

IMF Loan Talks: Here's how we need to prepare

The economy needs firm handling to ensure the situation doesn't turn into a crisis.

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