
The thriving online clothing thrift scene and the youth behind it

These young entrepreneurs are not only proving the do-ability of running a thriving business alongside studies but also inspiring countless other students to dip their toes into the rewarding world of entrepreneurship.

Rent, lend, buy and repeat: Embracing circular fashion with Karama Kabir

Circular fashion, which promotes the reuse, recycling, and extended lifecycle of clothing is central to reducing the fashion industry's environmental impact. Starlet Style Studio not only exemplifies this sustainable model but also makes high fashion affordable and accessible.

The three Rs of fashion: Reduce, reuse, recycle

Thrifting is nothing but the buying and selling of used, fashionable clothing that the original owner has had enough of. The items are usually in mint condition, and can be given fresh life by others.

Everything you need to know about thrift shopping

Thrifting, another word for second-hand shopping, is slowly becoming the new norm of clothing consumption globally.

June 15, 2024
June 15, 2024

The thriving online clothing thrift scene and the youth behind it

These young entrepreneurs are not only proving the do-ability of running a thriving business alongside studies but also inspiring countless other students to dip their toes into the rewarding world of entrepreneurship.

May 13, 2024
May 13, 2024

Rent, lend, buy and repeat: Embracing circular fashion with Karama Kabir

Circular fashion, which promotes the reuse, recycling, and extended lifecycle of clothing is central to reducing the fashion industry's environmental impact. Starlet Style Studio not only exemplifies this sustainable model but also makes high fashion affordable and accessible.

November 1, 2023
November 1, 2023

The three Rs of fashion: Reduce, reuse, recycle

Thrifting is nothing but the buying and selling of used, fashionable clothing that the original owner has had enough of. The items are usually in mint condition, and can be given fresh life by others.

May 22, 2022
May 22, 2022

Everything you need to know about thrift shopping

Thrifting, another word for second-hand shopping, is slowly becoming the new norm of clothing consumption globally.

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