"Growing to love something, and allowing that to change me is not immediate, it is not profound. Nor is it something caused just by reading a handful of books"
For the first time in Bangladesh, Child Health Research Foundation (CHRF) has successfully generated single-cell genomic (SCG) data for the Human Cell Atlas (HCA).
A research centre in Romania has recently unveiled "the world's most powerful laser", which is based on the inventions of 2018 Nobel Physics Prize winners Gerard Mourou and Donna Strickland. The laser, as per the Romanian research centre, is expected to revolutionise everything from the health sector to space exploration.
It often elicits an unexplainable sensation — the most enigmatic force that has influenced centuries of philosophical discourse, poetry, and literature. However, in reality, love can be understood through scientific means.
The astounding discoveries made by scientists in the fields of cosmology, nuclear energy, medicine, cancer and artificial intelligence are poised to profoundly impact our lives
Exploring the cosmos: from ground-based telescopes to revolutionary space observatories
Biochemistry as a field is a fascinating foray into the chemical reactions of biological molecules.
Maintaining scientific communication through science writing seems to suffer from a lack of attention.
Don’t pure science subjects deserve more attention? Should undergraduate students be more interested in pure sciences?
The atomic bomb represented multiple ruptures in society – not just at the level of war, but also the recognition in society that science was no longer the concern of the scientists alone but of all of us.
Through his simple and coherent scientific explanations for “supernatural” events such as the practice of witchcraft or the sanctity of religious sites, he challenged the dogmatic belief system which exists throughout much of South Asia.
Tthe story of a little girl named Alice and a robot named Sparkle who explore the frontiers of science and technology together.
The competition seeks to promote astronomy education, recognise bright students, and build worldwide academic relations.
Flat earthers think that rebelling against all the evidence makes them look clever, but does it, really?
The idea of aliens existed before we even knew about outer space.
SHOUT, the youth supplement of The Daily Star, will host a workshop on science fiction story writing.
Today, we are focusing on women who triumphed against all odds and have changed the world for the better through the field of science.
There are leaders and then there are icons who serve as inspiration. The following list contains just some of the names that motivate us to achieve our very best. These women serve as ideal role models for the future generation, irrespective of gender differences.
Gender biases discourage women from pursuing careers in research.