Palestine-Israel conflict

ESSAY / The Palestinian crisis, Holocaust production, and ‘Maus’

This is part of a grand narrative that, offensive as it is, asks why the Jewish people let themselves be killed, instead of asking why the system enabled it to happen–the same narrative also exists in the cases of colonialism and slavery.

Geopolitical Insights / An Israeli journalist’s perspective on Israel-Hamas war

The settlers in the West Bank are taking advantage of the fact that the world’s attention is on Gaza.

ESSAY / On Remembering Edward Said

The occupation of Gaza and West Bank changed Said's personal and academic prerogatives, compelling him to lend his voice to the Palestinian liberation movement.

Myth of Israeli invincibility

Those claiming to be the heirs of the victims of the Holocaust, continue to rain death, pain and destruction on the Palestinian civilians

'Middle East conflict may affect global shipping'

The Israel-Hamas conflict has not had any immediate effect on global shipping, but it may impact ocean freight if the conflict lingers.

Humanitarian aid starts entering Gaza from Egypt

Trucks carrying humanitarian aid for war-torn and besieged Gaza started passing into the Rafah border crossing from Egypt Saturday, a security source and an Egyptian Red Crescent official told AFP

Bangladesh observes Day of Mourning for Palestinians

Bangladesh is observing a Day of Mourning today for the Palestinians killed in recent Israeli attacks

Israel-Hamas conflict / US embassy in Dhaka flies flag at half-staff

The move comes as US "mourns every innocent life lost" in the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict

Save Gaza from further bloodshed

World leaders cannot avert responsibility for the plight of Palestinians

December 14, 2022
December 14, 2022

Netflix's ‘Farha’ is a window to Palestine’s truth

The movie represents every Palestinian and restores Palestine in the memory of the world.

September 17, 2022
September 17, 2022

Ukraine Is Palestine, Not Israel

By treating Israel’s colonisation of Palestine as a defensive struggle, Ukraine is validating its senseless aggression.

September 8, 2022
September 8, 2022

In the aftermath of the Palestinian catastrophe—'Minor Detail' by Adania Shibli (trans. Elisabeth Jaquette)

This book is an essential read to understand the extent of the erasure of Palestinian history after the Nakba and life under tyranny in its cities.

August 7, 2022
August 7, 2022

Israel’s latest attack on Palestine: Who is the real terrorist?

The ongoing attacks seem premeditated as they come as part of a well-coordinated package.

June 24, 2022
June 24, 2022

'Israel’s actions are that of an apartheid regime. The only difference is that we are all brown.'

Dr Amal Jadou, Palestine’s deputy foreign minister, talks to Porimol Palma of The Daily Star about the decades long Palestine-Israel conflict, and the recent escalation of violence against the Palestinians.

June 14, 2022
June 14, 2022

Israel-Palestine conflict: When will there be peace, if at all?

The conflict between Israel and Palestine is one that is decades old. It has created tensions in the entire Middle East and many other parts of the world over the course of the last few decades.

May 12, 2022
May 12, 2022

Shooting of Shireen Abu Akleh was deliberate

All we can now hope for is that Shireen Abu Akleh’s death does not get lost in the crowd of the thousands of Palestinian killings before hers.

September 9, 2018
September 9, 2018

Trump cuts $25m in aid for Palestinians in East Jerusalem hospitals

US President Donald Trump has ordered that $25 million earmarked for the care of Palestinians in East Jerusalem hospitals be directed elsewhere as part of a review of aid, a State Department official says.

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