literature adaptations,

Literature on screen: The good, the bad and the ugly

Picture yourself curled up with a steaming cup of tea on a lazy weekend afternoon, whilst golden rays of sunshine furtively find their way to illuminate the tattered pages of your beloved, time-worn novel. Now, replace that serene imagery with a bustling living room, where that very novel is now flickering to life on a vibrant screen, promising to display the intricacies that were previously etched in ink. A beautiful transition, if done right. Then again, when it goes wrong, it feels like watching a dear friend fumble on stage and you are mostly left with a profound longing for what could have been.

September 13, 2023
September 13, 2023

Literature on screen: The good, the bad and the ugly

Picture yourself curled up with a steaming cup of tea on a lazy weekend afternoon, whilst golden rays of sunshine furtively find their way to illuminate the tattered pages of your beloved, time-worn novel. Now, replace that serene imagery with a bustling living room, where that very novel is now flickering to life on a vibrant screen, promising to display the intricacies that were previously etched in ink. A beautiful transition, if done right. Then again, when it goes wrong, it feels like watching a dear friend fumble on stage and you are mostly left with a profound longing for what could have been.

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