Brighten your winter with good-for-you oranges
Oranges have tons of immune-boosting vitamin C, but they are also packed with potassium, fiber, antioxidants, and more. Explore more of every part of the orange, from peel to the juicy fruit.
High in vitamin C: Orange contains vitamin c, boosting your immune system, improving iron absorptions and aiding in healing.
Healthy gut: One orange has 3 grams of dietary fibre that eases constipation, keeps your bowels healthy, lowers cholesterol, and controls your blood sugar levels.
Anti-inflammatory traits: Each orange has more than 170 phytochemicals and 60 flavonoids, which help with anti-inflammatory properties fighting long-term inflammation.
Contains potassium: One orange has potassium that fuels your nerves and muscles and keeps your heartbeat steady.
High in folate: Your body needs the B vitamin folate to make DNA and other genetic material and help your cells divide.
High in beta carotene: Beta carotene is a powerful antioxidant that promotes cell health and lessens the damage free radicals do to your body.
Good source of thiamine: B1, or thiamine, is a vitamin that helps your body process other nutrients and turn food into energy.
Sour orange contains calcium, fibre, vitamin C, and immune-boosting flavonoids. As part of a healthful and varied diet, oranges play a critical role.