Project Syndicate

Project Syndicate

Protests of despair

Today’s anti-war protests are but a desperate plea simply to stop the killing of Palestinians in Gaza.

2w ago

Does Pakistan still matter to India?

India could not always afford to ignore Pakistan, which was long a source of terrorism directed at India.

1m ago

Will Boeing crash shareholder value?

There is a fundamental problem with how Boeing is being run.

1m ago

No barbarism without poetry

If our world is becoming full of poets and executioners, we need more judges and thinkers to counter the new tendency.

1m ago

Nato is not a hegemonic burden

Why is US paying twice as much as the average Nato ally when it is geographically removed from all major conflict zones?

2m ago

Indian democracy’s moment of truth

Once admired for its commitment to pluralism, India no longer stands out as a model democracy.

2m ago

What fundamentalist Christians see in Trump

Now that Donald Trump is the Republican Party’s presumptive presidential nominee, it seems fitting to address a source of perplexity that has persisted ever since he arrived on the political scene: how can the US’ fundamentalist Christians be so enthusiastic about so thoroughly un-Christian a politician?

2m ago

Economics is irredeemably sexist

Economics has an intractable “women problem.”

2m ago

China's road to peace on the Korean Peninsula

A new crisis is brewing on the Korean Peninsula. In mid-February, North Korea conducted an intermediate-range ballistic missile test.

7y ago

Are we richer or poorer than our ancestors?

People today enjoy not just abundance, but an unprecedented variety of choices, which constitutes a significant boost to overall wealth. But just how significant is that boost?

7y ago

A blueprint for ending child marriage

When a young girl is pushed into marriage, the damage can last long after her wedding day. Research shows that girls who marry...

7y ago

What liberal world order?

After the annus horribilis that was 2016, most political observers believe that the liberal world order is in serious trouble. But that is

7y ago

How Trump is testing democracy

World leaders seem to be at a loss about how to approach relations with US President Donald Trump, given his worrying positions and often-bizarre behaviour toward politicians and the media, allies and enemies alike.

7y ago

The price of empire

Indians tend not to dwell on the country's colonial past. Whether through national strength or civilisational weakness, India has long refused to hold any grudge against Britain for 200 years of imperial enslavement, plunder, and exploitation. But Indians' equanimity about the past does not annul what was done.

7y ago

How to survive the Trump era

Trump sees the world in terms of a zero-sum game. In reality, globalisation, if well managed, is a positive-sum force: America gains if its friends and allies — whether Australia, the EU, or Mexico — are stronger. But Trump's approach threatens to turn it into a negative-sum game: America will lose, too.

7y ago

Ensuring Euro-Atlantic security

The chasm between Russia and the West appears to be wider now than at any point since the Cold War. But, despite stark differences, there are areas of existential common interest.

7y ago

Restoring faith in globalisation

I must confess that I am a firm believer in the benefits of globalisation. To my mind, the gradual interlinking of regions, countries, and people is the most profoundly positive development of our time.

7y ago

Trump and the rebirth of press freedom

US President Donald Trump's administration has shocked the mainstream press by bullying news outlets and unabashedly trafficking

7y ago
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