Wretched mothers
A DS report entitled 'Love lost, yet it goes on' was published on 15th February, 2009 which reflected the agony of a wretched mother who is confined to bed and kept under treatment. Her progenies don't inquire about her and left her in a miserable state. I would like to thank DS for publishing such news and making us aware of those hapless persons who are neglected by their sons or daughters in the final stages of their lives. It is a common feature in Bangladesh that parents don't have any individual dream and all the expectations centre on the welfare of their progenies. But in many cases, people are reluctant to provide mental support to their parents and also to pay attention to their medical needs in their old age. It corroborates that nothing can be more demonic than man and nothing can be nobler than man.
Though the government has promised us the 'Health for all' programme but we are still far from its accomplishment. It is difficult for the government to feel the agony of thousands of mothers neglected by their children. Still we are far from having a sense of solidarity with these hapless people.