Rumman R Kalam

Man at deadbeat job surprised ChatGPT can replace him

After a career built entirely off of copying search results from Google, Tanvir Alam Khan, 28, a BBA graduate from Not South University, thinks that the human species should be compensated for artificial intelligence software disrupting the labour market.

1y ago

A handbook for navigating the social media age in your profession

While the world might seem like a place only made for extroverts, who get ahead with the volume of their voices alone, Personal Branding (Odommo Prokash, 2021) is a book that is here to permanently lay that idea to rest. Authors Md Tajdin Hassan, Md Sohan Haidear, and Rafeed Elahi Chowdhury provide a meticulous blueprint for an aspiring professional to make themselves noticed.

2y ago


As the newer generations (millennials, zoomers) have infinite access to knowledge that they can navigate skilfully, the experience gap we had with previous generations is narrowing each day.

4y ago

CoD Mobile An instant classic

Those who are into shooters had a Call of Duty phase in their lives at some point or the other.

4y ago


While we grew up listening to our parents’ generation recount how many miles they walked, swam or cycled to attend school, we are often called the entitled or the “soft” generation. However, we wish our problems were as cut-and-dried like attending school, getting grades, applying for jobs and getting married.

4y ago


Right now, we’re going through an 80’s revival phase — or at least we are at the end of that phase. However, modern themes are getting a little old. It’s the same thing just updated and recycled in a lot of cases.

4y ago

This is mine, Sujon Sixty-Nine

“This watermelon is not for sale, sir,” said the man with the heavy moustache. He waved his arm, indicating the watermelons in front of him. “Why not take a look at these?”

4y ago

WORDS: Less is more

While what I am about to say won’t apply to quite a few different types of writings, it addresses an issue we often face with reader submissions. A lot of us have this misconception that wordier write-ups mean that they are good.

4y ago
January 26, 2017
January 26, 2017


Idler games absolutely make no sense. You're basically watching numbers grow and there's a weird sense of accomplishment to it. Usually games have a reward for technical prowess and such but in idlers, you just tap and buy upgrades.

January 12, 2017
January 12, 2017


RPGs on mobile devices tend to feel far heavy than they should be. It's awkward playing a God of War rip-off that slowly turns my phone into an induction cooker.

January 5, 2017
January 5, 2017


“Tomorrow at Listennial?” I asked.

December 22, 2016
December 22, 2016


When you finally get stonewalled or finish Score Hero, the itch for a good football game on your phone remains.

December 15, 2016
December 15, 2016

A Gritty Magical Setting that Packs a Punch

Although I have a very strong liking for sci-fi, many people jump to the conclusion that I love fantasy as well. I like my outrageous fiction grounded by some form of pseudoscience no matter what it is.

October 31, 2016
October 31, 2016

Is Microsoft back in the game again?

We ask ourselves this question once every year, laugh and then go back to whatever else is worth the hype. The only exception is probably the Surface by Microsoft; which is a godsend. The Surface Studio launched on 26 October and our jaws dropped. The sleek design, the alluring curves, a 28-inch touch display – are certainly enticing. And the Surface Dial, which is albeit slightly gimmicky, might just have some application in the creative industry. It's a breath of fresh air in a market that's trying to sell matte black as an innovation.

October 27, 2016
October 27, 2016

Of Horses and Wizards

I furiously typed seven choice curse words involving horses at the wannabe Wiccan on the messageboard. M'gick or was where practitioners of The Art most often hung out.

October 6, 2016
October 6, 2016
June 9, 2016
June 9, 2016

You Know How This Ends, I Didn't

I hate to tell you a story that starts with me waking up. You've read enough of those and so have I but there literally is no other way.

June 2, 2016
June 2, 2016


When I say I wake up next to a daemon every morning with a dry laugh, men think that it's my wife and share a good laugh.

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