Mirza Shakil

People suffer for battered roads

Residents of Tangail municipality are suffering immensely as most of the roads in the town have long been in a battered condition due to lack of repair works for years.

1w ago

Swelling rivers worsen flood victims’ plight

The ongoing flood situation in Tangail has continued to worsen as water levels of all main rivers in the district – Jamuna, Dhaleshwari and Jhenai – as well of their tributaries, rose further in 24 hours till this morning

2w ago

Encroachment, pollution killing Burai beel

Burai Beel, an important natural swamp in Tangail district town, is quickly shrinking due to pollution and illegal encroachment.

3w ago

Sal forest shrinking fast

The Sal forest under Madhupur National Park in Tangail is disappearing at an alarming rate due to unabated tree felling and grabbing of land.

1m ago

Death lurks on Tangail rail tracks

Frequent accidents have been claiming lives or injuring many others on Joydevpur-Bangabandhu Bridge east rail route over the years, largely due to lax safety measures and monitoring.

1m ago

Three pillars in 3 years!

Construction of a bridge on Jhenai river in Kashil area of Tangail’s Basail upazila remains incomplete even three years after the work began.

2m ago

Illegal sand lifting poses erosion threat

A local influential syndicate has long been illegally extracting sand from the New Dhaleswari river, a tributary of Jamuna, in the Kurshabenu area of Tangail's Kaihati upazila

2m ago

Tangail’s only gym a Rab camp for 18 years

The only gymnasium and indoor sports facility in Tangail once used to buzz with members engaged in vibrant sports activities and athletics, alongside being a hub for fitness enthusiasts.

3m ago
July 16, 2024
July 16, 2024

People suffer for battered roads

Residents of Tangail municipality are suffering immensely as most of the roads in the town have long been in a battered condition due to lack of repair works for years.

July 12, 2024
July 12, 2024

Swelling rivers worsen flood victims’ plight

The ongoing flood situation in Tangail has continued to worsen as water levels of all main rivers in the district – Jamuna, Dhaleshwari and Jhenai – as well of their tributaries, rose further in 24 hours till this morning

July 4, 2024
July 4, 2024

Encroachment, pollution killing Burai beel

Burai Beel, an important natural swamp in Tangail district town, is quickly shrinking due to pollution and illegal encroachment.

June 20, 2024
June 20, 2024

Sal forest shrinking fast

The Sal forest under Madhupur National Park in Tangail is disappearing at an alarming rate due to unabated tree felling and grabbing of land.

May 31, 2024
May 31, 2024

Death lurks on Tangail rail tracks

Frequent accidents have been claiming lives or injuring many others on Joydevpur-Bangabandhu Bridge east rail route over the years, largely due to lax safety measures and monitoring.

May 23, 2024
May 23, 2024

Three pillars in 3 years!

Construction of a bridge on Jhenai river in Kashil area of Tangail’s Basail upazila remains incomplete even three years after the work began.

May 14, 2024
May 14, 2024

Illegal sand lifting poses erosion threat

A local influential syndicate has long been illegally extracting sand from the New Dhaleswari river, a tributary of Jamuna, in the Kurshabenu area of Tangail's Kaihati upazila

April 18, 2024
April 18, 2024

Tangail’s only gym a Rab camp for 18 years

The only gymnasium and indoor sports facility in Tangail once used to buzz with members engaged in vibrant sports activities and athletics, alongside being a hub for fitness enthusiasts.

April 16, 2024
April 16, 2024

Release of MV Abdullah: Eid comes three days later for families of crewmen

Eid is about homecoming and family reunion. But this year’s Eid-ul-Fitr brought no such joy for the 23 crewmen of hijacked MV Abdullah.

April 1, 2024
April 1, 2024

Handlooms fall silent as weavers see profits shrink

Persistent problems, such as the price hike of raw materials and reduced demand, are forcing many weavers in Tangail to leave their profession, with the number of handlooms and artisans rapidly decreasing and many fearing the 200-year-old tradition is nearing a point of no return.

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