Ehsanur Raza Ronny

Primary life roles: Confused dad, all round car guy, model car builder and cartoonist. Currently Editor of Shift (automobiles), Bytes (technology) and Next Step (career) for the Daily Star. Previously did four years hard labour in advertising before starting Shift and Next Step in 2013 while also re-branding the previous tech publication as Bytes.

How you too can nearly, almost, probably become a Jedi Knight

At its core, 'Star Wars' is a classic tale of underdogs taking on a powerful enemy; it's a story of hope and perseverance, of standing up for what's right even when the odds are against you.

1y ago

Where’s the cake?

It’s party time in the animal kingdom. A turtle just happens to be in charge of making a birthday cake. He’s small and he’s slow but he has a plan. He started early because he knew speed wasn’t his strength.

3y ago

6 steps to get people to trust your e-commerce site

You have a site or Facebook page for your business. You have great products. You also have a good amount of people that know about you. But no one is buying. Where lies the mystery? How do you turn those visitors into buyers?

3y ago

A new hope

Not quite as epic as the Stars Wars movie of the same title, but a new hope it is. Everything ends only to have a new beginning in one form or another. This happens to be my very last issue of Toggle, something my team and I brought to this height in a year and couple of months.

3y ago

Kabab rolls and Shift magazines are the new normal

Kabab rolls and Shift magazines are the new normal

3y ago

Rinse and repeat

How do you avoid burning out? We do muc of the same thing day in and day out. We write, edit and publish. Somedays we want to throw the table nd be the meme. So, how do we avoid burning out?

3y ago

Murderously exciting times

One month down and we’re sticking true to our promise that we focus on the positive. Those are usually in short supply. But we take them as they come. Enough of the world ending. It’s a new one forming out there.

3y ago
October 23, 2020
October 23, 2020

The Bossman : Boss's Day Everyday or Else

The Bossman : Boss's Day Everyday or Else

October 23, 2020
October 23, 2020

Apple ditches the charger: Smart or outright madness?

Apple decided to leave out their phone charger as they sell the new iPhone 12. People went nuts and the meme community had a field day for about a week. In normal human terms, that week is like several hundred years’ worth of #lols at Apple’s expense. But who really got the last laugh?

October 16, 2020
October 16, 2020

The Bossman: The award

The Bossman: The Award

October 9, 2020
October 9, 2020

The Bossman: Coffee break

The Bossman: Coffee Break

October 9, 2020
October 9, 2020

3 personal safety apps for travelling

A woman can’t really walk through the city streets alone without feeling that uneasy need to look over the shoulder. Bangladesh saw an increase in rape by 19 percent from 2018 to 2019. This year seems to be competing with incidents of sexual assault, kidnapping and violence against women and children. Following are a list of personal safety apps that that are a no-brainer for women that need to increase their chances of safety while travelling.

October 2, 2020
October 2, 2020

How many computer case fans is too many?

Heat is the biggest enemy of a custom PC build. An average CPU temperature should be within 75-80 degrees Celsius. Poor heat management can see temps climbing past 100 degrees resulting in slowing down becoming an indoor BBQ pit.

September 25, 2020
September 25, 2020

You’re not alone

Does that help? Not really. Realising you’re not alone while being isolated is really just one and the same.

September 25, 2020
September 25, 2020

The Bossman : Stay inside

The Bossman : Stay Inside

September 10, 2020
September 10, 2020

Growing up with ‘Archie’ comics

As a tiny five-year old in the ’80s, I first discovered and liberated an Archie comic from a teenage cousin the way oil rich countries are liberated: by force. I used superior tactics of crying, pleading, whining and bargaining.

September 7, 2020
September 7, 2020

Air Conditioner Explosion: Why it happens and how to be safe from it

Air conditioners are not made to explode. Yet, on Feb 10, 2020, three people were injured in an air conditioner explosion in Old Dhalka’s Islampur area.

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