Healthy Living

Healthy Living

Got knee issues? Opt for the sumo squat!

The squat should be a compulsory exercise for everyone .Squats help build your leg muscles but they also create an anabolic environment, which promotes body-wide muscle building.

5y ago

3 tips on managing sore muscles

Muscle soreness, also known as delayed onset muscle soreness (Doms), include normal pain occurring a day or two after a workout and typically lasts for a couple of days. Here are three easy tips to better manage muscle soreness should you experience it again.

5y ago

Cycling is the healthiest form of urban transport for city dwellers: study

A new European study finds that biking is the best urban mode of transport for boosting health.

5y ago

Need to motivate yourself? Try giving someone else advice

If you're struggling to find the motivation for something, new US research says giving advice to others, rather than receiving it yourself, could help you achieve your goals.

5y ago

Smelling coffee may boost your analytical skills

Often touted for its many health benefits, new research suggests you might not even need to drink coffee to reap some of its rewards, with a US study finding that just the scent of a cup of joe could help give people a cognitive boost that improves performance on certain tasks.

5y ago

Making simple diet changes could ease symptoms of osteoarthritis

A new UK study reveals how making simple dietary changes and exercising could help to relieve symptoms of osteoarthritis.

5y ago

How to get back into exercise mode in 2018

Many of us start the year with plans to take up exercise again, but find it hard to keep the momentum going month after month. Have no fear, we've got the lowdown on how to get moving, have fun, and avoid injury.

6y ago

How to replace pizza, movie night with family fitness dates

Family fitness dates are replacing the old-school pizza and movie nights as more parents are realising that the benefits of moving aren’t just about burning calories but setting an example for the next generation.

6y ago

World Stroke Day: Some simple lifestyle changes to cut the risk

Ahead of World Stroke Day, October 29, here are some preventative measures that could help reduce the risk of stroke and keep the heart healthy.

6y ago

Expert tips on how to make exercise an easy part of your daily routine

For those struggling to find the time to fit in a workout, here are some expert advice from Dr Irvin Sulapas, assistant professor of family and community medicine at Baylor College of Medicine.

6y ago

Secret to longevity lies in healing body, says Singaporean doctor

The secret to longevity lies in healing the body, says a Singaporean doctor.

6y ago

Tips on how to prevent mosquito bites​

In addition to unpleasant itching and scratching, days after they can also cause some more serious problems, spreading diseases such as chikungunya, dengue and Zika. Here we've put together some top tips on steps you can take to avoid being bitten.

6y ago

10 minutes of daily meditation can help anxious people stay focused: Study

Ten minutes of mindful meditation per day can be enough to help people prone to anxious thoughts focus more effectively on tasks in the present moment, according to new Canadian research.

6y ago

Healthy lifestyle can prevent kidney disease: experts

Unhealthy lifestyle leads to increase in kidney ailment as Bangladesh is hugely suffering from the disease due to rapidly changed food habit and way of life, health experts say.

7y ago

10 common foods to fight hypertension

You can fight hypertension easily by certain dietary practices. Take a look at some simple foods that can keep a shooting blood pressure at bay.

7y ago

Take charge of anxiety and depression

Sorrow is a natural part of existence. “I fall upon the thorn of life! I bleed” As Shelley puts it. But there’s a type of sadness and despondency that is not natural. What can we do when we or one of our loved ones are suffering from such conditions?

7y ago

DIY: A pest free haven

Are you frustrated with the pests and bugs invading your home again and again? Do they just come back every time you thought you were done with them? Here is how you can create a pest free haven once and for all!

7y ago

3 ways to know if someone is a psychopath

Here are three things to watch out for if you suspect someone to be a psychopath.

8y ago
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