social stigma

#Perspective / Creaky backs and shattered hearts: What they don’t tell you about your 30s

Life doesn't always unfold according to societal expectations or personal plans, especially as you enter your thirties. While there's often pressure to achieve certain milestones by a certain age, the reality is far more complex. Here's a glimpse into what you might encounter as you navigate your 30s and beyond.

Breaking the stigma regarding virginity

From friends, relatives, partners, spouses or even the OB/GYN — at some point, everyone’s shown some strange (read: intrusive) interest in your sexual history.

We must break the silence around fistula

Government should ensure easy access to maternal services from skilled professionals

Spare Fardin the burden of social judgement

During criminal investigations, the police and media need to do their bit to avoid a public trial

A woman is dead. Why are we gossiping about her personal life?

Media has a responsibility to stop sensationalising stories about women and focus on the wider inequalities that affect them.

February 25, 2024
February 25, 2024

Creaky backs and shattered hearts: What they don’t tell you about your 30s

Life doesn't always unfold according to societal expectations or personal plans, especially as you enter your thirties. While there's often pressure to achieve certain milestones by a certain age, the reality is far more complex. Here's a glimpse into what you might encounter as you navigate your 30s and beyond.

August 21, 2023
August 21, 2023

Breaking the stigma regarding virginity

From friends, relatives, partners, spouses or even the OB/GYN — at some point, everyone’s shown some strange (read: intrusive) interest in your sexual history.

May 24, 2023
May 24, 2023

We must break the silence around fistula

Government should ensure easy access to maternal services from skilled professionals

November 17, 2022
November 17, 2022

Spare Fardin the burden of social judgement

During criminal investigations, the police and media need to do their bit to avoid a public trial

August 15, 2022
August 15, 2022

A woman is dead. Why are we gossiping about her personal life?

Media has a responsibility to stop sensationalising stories about women and focus on the wider inequalities that affect them.

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