US President Donald Trump

PM wishes early recovery of Trump, Melania from Covid-19

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today wished for the early recovery of US President Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump from the Covid-19.

Trump extends coronavirus social distancing guidelines to April 30

Bracing the nation for a death toll that could exceed 100,000 people, US President Donald Trump has extended restrictive social distancing guidelines through April, bowing to public-health experts who presented him with even more dire projections for the expanding coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus: Trump decides against quarantine of New York region

US President Donald Trump decides against imposing a broad two-week lockdown on New York and its neighbors after a strong pushback from local political leaders and warnings of the panic it could spark.

Trump names Meadows as fourth chief of staff

US President Donald Trump announces he had chosen staunch ally Mark Meadows to be his new chief of staff -- the fourth person to hold the position since he took office.

Trump, Taliban political chief speak as Afghan violence rises

US President Donald Trump has made the surprise announcement that he'd had a "very good" talk with the Taliban political chief on the Afghan peace process, despite an eruption of violence marring a brief calm in the country.

Trump lands in western Indian city for start of two-day visit

US President Donald Trump lands in the western Indian city of Ahmedabad on Monday at the start of a visit during which the two sides will aim to reset relations that have been buffeted by a trade spat.

Not treated very well by India: Trump

As the Industry analysts were keeping a close watch on whether the trade disputes between the two world’s largest democracies would be resolved during US President Donald Trump’s visit to India on February 24 and 25, he has said he is “saving the big deal” with India for later..

Menon slams govt for silence on Middle East Peace Plan

Workers Party President Rashed Khan Menon in the parliament criticises the government for “playing a silent role over Middle East Peace Plan by US President Donald Trump”.

Trump confirms killing of Yemen's AQAP chief

President Donald Trump confirms that the US had killed the leader of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula -- days after the jihadist group claimed responsibility for a mass shooting at a US naval base.

June 6, 2019
June 6, 2019

Trump threatens China with tariffs on further $300 billion of goods

US President Donald Trump threatens to hit China with tariffs on “at least” another $300 billion worth of Chinese goods.

June 3, 2019
June 3, 2019

Trump calls London mayor "stone cold loser" as he lands in Britain

Donald Trump lashed out at London Mayor Sadiq Khan, calling him a "stone-cold loser" after the mayor criticised the British government for inviting the US president for a state visit.

June 1, 2019
June 1, 2019

Trump to end trade privileges for India on June 5

US President Donald Trump has said that the United States would end its preferential trade treatment for India on June 5.

May 27, 2019
May 27, 2019

Trump says Iran nuclear deal possible as sanctions bite

US President Donald Trump says a deal with Iran on its nuclear programme is possible, crediting economic sanctions for curbing activities Washington has said are behind a spate of attacks in the Middle East.

May 17, 2019
May 17, 2019

Trump tells aides he does not want US war with Iran

US President Donald Trump tells his top advisers that he does not want to get the United States involved in a war with Iran.

May 16, 2019
May 16, 2019

Border security, green card changes drive new Trump proposal

After years of setbacks and stalemates, US President Donald Trump will lay out yet another immigration plan as he tries to convince the American public and lawmakers that the nation’s legal immigration system should be overhauled.

May 12, 2019
May 12, 2019

China still ‘cautiously optimistic’ on US trade talks despite new tariffs

China and the United States have agreed to hold more trade talks in Beijing, Vice Premier Liu He says as US President Donald Trump orders his trade chief to begin the process of imposing tariffs on all remaining imports from China.

May 10, 2019
May 10, 2019

Trump urges Iran to talk over nuclear programme, cannot rule out military action

US President Donald Trump urges Iran's leadership to sit down and talk with him about giving up Tehran’s nuclear programme and says he cannot rule out a military confrontation given the heightened tensions between the two countries.

May 9, 2019
May 9, 2019

Trump says China ‘broke the deal’ in trade talks

US President Donald Trump says that China “broke the deal” in trade talks with Washington and would face stiff tariffs if no agreement is reached.

April 25, 2019
April 25, 2019

SKorea ready to facilitate Trump–Kim summit: Moon

The Republic of Korea is ready at any time to facilitate a third Trump – Kim summit and ensure its success, South Korean President Moon Jae-in says.

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