
#Perspective / Jealousy and how you can harness it

Jealousy has types. Psychologists distinguish between benign envy and malicious envy, and while the former has the potential to motivate us, the latter may be a major culprit behind leaving us feeling unworthy, demotivated, and angry.

Need to motivate yourself? Try giving someone else advice

If you're struggling to find the motivation for something, new US research says giving advice to others, rather than receiving it yourself, could help you achieve your goals.

December 24, 2022
December 24, 2022

Jealousy and how you can harness it

Jealousy has types. Psychologists distinguish between benign envy and malicious envy, and while the former has the potential to motivate us, the latter may be a major culprit behind leaving us feeling unworthy, demotivated, and angry.

August 10, 2018
August 10, 2018

Need to motivate yourself? Try giving someone else advice

If you're struggling to find the motivation for something, new US research says giving advice to others, rather than receiving it yourself, could help you achieve your goals.

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