caesarean sections

Rate of C-section births rose 9 percentage points in a year: BBS

The rate of Cesarean section deliveries has increased by more than nine percentage points in one year

C-section: When exception becomes a norm

Caesarean sections or C-sections, a lifesaving procedure which is done in special cases during birth, have become a norm in Bangladesh, especially in private clinics, data show.

C-sections now 45pc of all deliveries

"Unnecessary C-sections put both the mothers and the children at unnecessary health risks. But it is booming uncontrollably in the country every day"

March 24, 2024
March 24, 2024

Rate of C-section births rose 9 percentage points in a year: BBS

The rate of Cesarean section deliveries has increased by more than nine percentage points in one year

March 10, 2024
March 10, 2024

C-section: When exception becomes a norm

Caesarean sections or C-sections, a lifesaving procedure which is done in special cases during birth, have become a norm in Bangladesh, especially in private clinics, data show.

April 12, 2023
April 12, 2023

C-sections now 45pc of all deliveries

"Unnecessary C-sections put both the mothers and the children at unnecessary health risks. But it is booming uncontrollably in the country every day"

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