How to Make Your Own SITCOM
A proper Bangladeshi sitcom has long been overdue. Since everyone and their cat with a camera and a YouTube channel are gaining popularity, why don't you make your own legit hangout sitcom for the masses? Here's a quick guideline on what you need in the show.
#1 The Mix
The cast mix of the show is the most important bit. You'll need an ensemble cast for a good sitcom, but some characters can be more pronounced than others. Make sure that each character has unique characteristics and that no two characters are similar.
#2 A Café/Bar
This is the main set of your hangout sitcom. There are lots of cafés in Dhaka, so you can randomly put your characters in one. However, considering our socioeconomic status and general preference of beverages, a tong-er dokan may suffice.
Alternately, you can set the sitcom at a home or a workplace if you can't even afford a tong.
#3 The Storyline
The opening sequence before or during the credits should consist of a joke that baits the audience into staying back for the rest of the show. So make it count, even if it isn't related to the rest of the episode.
Other than that there should be two storylines in the same episode: the main one and the subsidiary one. The main one is the one that takes the lion's share of the length of the show, and the subsidiary ones are usually just there as fillers to make the audience laugh.
Since it's a sitcom, each episode will have a separate plot. However, it's always a good idea to have a story developing in the background. Make your characters grow, evolve and even change professions if needed. Speaking of professions…
#4 What Do They Do, Actually?
Since you are the boss of this show, you get to choose the profession and educational background of all your characters. Whichever profession you decide for your characters, let's just assume that they have the perfect jobs that require minimal time from them, yet pays them a heap of money. Otherwise, how would they sit hours at a stretch at a café every day without having to worry about work but still be able to pay the bills?
#5 A Catchphrase
At least one of your characters should have a catchphrase that can go viral and make your sitcom a hit. Think along the lines of "How you doin'?" or "Legen-wait for it-dary," or even "That's my spot." Make the character use these every now and then, but don't overdo it.
#6 Laughter Tracks
Let's face it, a sitcom that can make you laugh without laughter tracks is one that deserves all the accolades. But as you're just starting off, you'll probably need help in that regard. So download various laughter tracks from the net and set them alternately throughout the episode.
#7 The Jokes
Now here's where things get challenging. Since this is a sitcom, your jokes must revolve around the plot and is delivered in the heat of the moment. When you sit down to write the script, develop a joke alongside the storyline, so that it comes naturally. Use your creativity and do not force a joke, because forced humour is bad humour. Also remember that too many jokes in quick succession can make the audience feel confused.
Now that you know what you require to make your own sitcom, get started. Gift Bangladesh with the sitcom it has been waiting for.