Published on 08:39 PM, November 08, 2022

It’s time to allow men to express themselves through fashion

Design: Faisal Bin Iqbal

I have recently developed a fascination towards jewellery. After a lot of consideration and constantly going back and forth in my head, I finally mustered up the courage to ask my parents to buy me a ring for my 18th birthday. To no one's surprise, my wish was met with a lot of backlash. Their stance on the matter was "it's not okay for men to wear ornaments".

The youth's fashion choices have changed significantly over time. Breaking free from dated stereotypes and steering clear of social stigmas, they have ventured out, experimented, and attempted to express themselves through their attires. In spite of a newfound approach to fashion, eccentric and bold choices by men are still demeaned, and often ridiculed by a large section of our society.

The belief that aesthetics and men are immiscible is very prevalent. An overwhelming majority of our society generally believes that jewellery should be reserved for women only, while outfits should be toned down for men. According to them, there is simply no need for men to wear flashy clothes. 

Not only are men left with a limited wardrobe in terms of choice but their hairdo options are also few and far between. People expect men to keep their hair short and undyed. I experienced this myself back in middle school, when, out of sheer necessity to cover white greying strands of hair, I started to dye my hair black. The looks of disapproval were unnerving. 

A similar tale followed when I decided to grow my hair out. This time, however, things got out of hand fairly quickly. In addition to gazes of disapproval, I was also subject to inappropriate comments regarding the length of my hair.  

Although there is more awareness now, there is a fundamental need for change. With the advent of new aesthetics, trends, and designs, the youth are spearheading the progress for change. There are no stern rules. As they explore more, it's only natural that their fashion choices reflect the results.  

A lack of self-esteem and confidence plagues much of the younger demographic of men. Having no defined fashion identity do these youngsters more harm in the long run as they never quite figure out what's best for them. Being barred from exploring the nuances of fashion can potentially prevent them from exploring their truest selves and even lead to insecurity about who they are. 

Small bits of appreciation from society can go a long way towards easing this problem. Instead of looking down upon their choices, people should instead appreciate the effort they put in. A word of appreciation can go a long way towards boosting their confidence considerably.

The world is constantly evolving. It's time our society learned to accept the differences that make us who we are. It's imperative for our society to allow men to express themselves through fashion.

Inqiad is a passionate Bucks fan and a certified Giannis stan. Contact him at