Published on 12:00 AM, January 24, 2019

Convincing People to Join a Fandom

Urban Dictionary defines fandom as "a cult that will destroy your life". If you think about it hard enough, fandoms truly are cults only with more drama and fan fictions than actual purpose. That being said, these communities are everywhere and for almost everything, either related to pop culture or just plain nonsense. Now the question is, how would people try to convince you into joining a certain fandom if you are a complete stranger to its existence?


Fandoms are all about communities. When you join a fandom, you will immediately find yourself in a community full of people having similar interests. This is how your peers will often try to lure you into fandoms. The idea of being part of a group that preaches interests same as yours is a wonderful thought to many. You will often find people who do not interact with others in real life but are quite active on the internet when they are communicating within the fandoms and other related groups. Such acceptance from others often work the charm on many individuals and hence, they end up becoming a part of it.


This here is the real deal. No false descriptions or hope. Tell your friends to experience the content for themselves and then allow them to judge. This is a more civilised way to get people into your fandom. You take a bit of their time and make them listen to some K-pop or sit down with them and watch an anime series. If they get hooked and start losing their sanity, you will know that you have a new member for your fandom. If not, they will make sure that you know about it.


This technique is usually followed by conspiracy theorists all over the globe as they try to manipulate innocent minds into falling for their beliefs. Logic plays a vital role in their method of persuasion. The more logic there is behind a subject, the more possibility that people will put their faith into it. Makes you think about the beautiful minds that people of the 'Flat Earth Society' have.


Where would our generation be without trends? From fashion to pop culture, everything has a particular trend always in motion. There are a lot of fandoms who end up growing at an astounding rate at certain times because they are trending on social or mainstream media. This is how shows like Game of Thrones and Rick and Morty became so popular and full of diehard fans. If you want someone to join a fandom, letting them know that it is one of the most trending things happening out there is perhaps the easiest way to convince them; that is if they belong to the type who tend to go with the flow.


Faisal wants to be the very best, like no one ever was. To survive university is his real test, to graduate is his cause. Send him memes and motivation at