After quite some time, we will be seeing Mahiya Mahi in an Eid movie. This Eid, Mahiya Mahi will star in a film called Jannat alongside Symon. Mustafizur Rahman Manik will be directing the film. Jannat is said to be a romantic film. After almost five years, audiences will get to see the pair of Mahiya Mahi and Symon Sadik onscreen together. They were last seen together in the film Poramon. Along side Mahi and Symon, Ali Raj, Misa Sawdagar, Shimul Khan and others will be seen in the movie. While talking about the film, the director said, “Audiences have been very eagerly waiting for this movie, for various reasons. The story, the actors, the music, and the making leave a stamp of good taste. We will try to present our beloved audiences with a memorable movie this Eid.” Symon Sadik said, “During Eid, audiences want to see some good films. From that angle, in my opinion Jannat is perfect. After seeing the film, the Censor Board was continuously praising it. I hope that the audience will love the film as much as we did.” Mahiya Mahi said, “Jannat is a very romantic film. It has a very beautiful story. The story is the soul of this film. I am eagerly waiting to go and watch this film in the cinema halls. And I am not the only one, many of my in-laws are also eager to go and watch the film. I believe that audiences of every age will like this film. I am very hopeful about Jannat.”