William L. Silber

William L. Silber, a former professor of finance and economics at the Stern School of Business, New York University, is currently a senior adviser at Cornerstone Research. He is the author of The Power of Nothing to Lose: The Hail Mary Effect in Politics, War, and Business (Morrow/Harper 2021).

The Danger of ‘Nothing to Lose’

Presidents, generals, dictators, and ordinary people take big risks when they have nothing to lose, similar to a quarterback in American football throwing a so-called Hail Mary pass.

3y ago
August 28, 2021
August 28, 2021

The Danger of ‘Nothing to Lose’

Presidents, generals, dictators, and ordinary people take big risks when they have nothing to lose, similar to a quarterback in American football throwing a so-called Hail Mary pass.

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