Protik Bardhan

Into the intersection of identity & violence

It is worth considering that, according to historian Yuval Noah Harari, we may not be able to fully evade violence, as our evolutionary past has instilled certain inclinations within us that could be linked to violence.

1y ago

Feeling and doing for homeless children

Rubaiya Murshed’s Nobody's Children is a genre of its kind—it employs both stark facts and literary elements at the same time. The book is focused on the issue of children who are living on the streets without proper care or support from their families. 

1y ago
June 22, 2023
June 22, 2023

Into the intersection of identity & violence

It is worth considering that, according to historian Yuval Noah Harari, we may not be able to fully evade violence, as our evolutionary past has instilled certain inclinations within us that could be linked to violence.

February 16, 2023
February 16, 2023

Feeling and doing for homeless children

Rubaiya Murshed’s Nobody's Children is a genre of its kind—it employs both stark facts and literary elements at the same time. The book is focused on the issue of children who are living on the streets without proper care or support from their families. 

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