MS Siddiqui

Credit guarantee schemes in Bangladesh and other countries

Most small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have encountered poor access to finance globally. Adequate access to finance is crucial for the survival and growth of SMEs.

3y ago

Time to deal with weaknesses in credit policy to support MSMEs

The Bangladesh Bank issued a circular on September 5, 2019, defining cottage, micro and small enterprises (CMSEs), CMSEs financing, women entrepreneur, and refinancing scheme and setting the credit ceiling.

3y ago
March 3, 2021
March 3, 2021

Credit guarantee schemes in Bangladesh and other countries

Most small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have encountered poor access to finance globally. Adequate access to finance is crucial for the survival and growth of SMEs.

February 17, 2021
February 17, 2021

Time to deal with weaknesses in credit policy to support MSMEs

The Bangladesh Bank issued a circular on September 5, 2019, defining cottage, micro and small enterprises (CMSEs), CMSEs financing, women entrepreneur, and refinancing scheme and setting the credit ceiling.

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