Md. Zamilur Rahman Shuvo


Maliha Rahmat took a lab course for Environmental Science at North South University (NSU). She shares, “The course had seven or eight days of classes but there were no exams or tests and no marks for any practical work.

4y ago

Lesson learned

It was a laboratory experiment by EDUCATION (Eccentric Douchebag Union of Celestial Atoms with Terrible Inferior Organism and Neurons) that went horribly wrong.

4y ago

Dealing with stayover guests

I know. We have all been there when the news of the imminent arrival of a guest leaves us with a saddened face and a heavy heart. We have all had our fair share of bitter experiences of adjusting to life when there’s a guest staying over.

4y ago


It’s that aftermath of every exam that haunts our dreams. For it is not just the exam that causes us dreads, but what comes after the exam that results in many sleepless nights.

4y ago

Be an Ambassador!

One thing that this generation has been blessed with is the plethora of endless opportunities! And campus ambassador programs

4y ago

Stranger Things Season 3: Older and bolder

Even after two straight homeruns in previous seasons, my heart was beating real fast as I logged into my Netflix account,

4y ago


Whilst many of us are aware of the term itself, most of us are not educated sufficiently. Menstruation is basically the discharge of blood, uterine lining, mucus lining of the vagina, red blood cells, and old cellular tissue.

4y ago

A cricket lover among football fans

The struggle of being a cricket fan in this country is real. Whether it’s a nail-biting, heart-pounding finish that ends in Bangladesh’s victory or woeful defeat, the matches never shy away from playing with our emotions. And God forbid the amount of times we have

4y ago
March 28, 2019
March 28, 2019

The other side of losing weight

Health-wise, it is the best possible outcome that one can hope for. Months (sometimes years) of hard work and maintaining a lifestyle that forced you to take an oath against enjoying the food that you basically lived for (or die of eventually) finally paying off.

March 14, 2019
March 14, 2019

Beyond This Universe

Let me ask you – are you familiar? With that kind of happiness that flows down in tears?

January 17, 2019
January 17, 2019

Real life implementation of tech features

Yes, wishful thinking. But the writer here is immensely optimistic and hopelessly imaginative.

January 3, 2019
January 3, 2019

The DOs and DON'Ts of club activities

Some people join clubs for the ultimate purpose of socialising and creating a network. Others look at it as an opportunity to develop skills through practical supply of output, albeit in a formulaic way.

December 20, 2018
December 20, 2018

Things that should not exist in university life

For someone who has just finished his freshman year of university life, the idea that I have had for a very long time even before entering this new phase, has gone through drastic changes.

December 6, 2018
December 6, 2018


We all are familiar with the concept of “life goals”, aren't we? For some it's kind of a measuring stick for forming a judgement about a person. When you're a kid, the answers to the age-old question “What do you want to be in life?”

October 25, 2018
October 25, 2018


There is a woman that resides in my heart, She is unlike anyone I've ever met.

September 27, 2018
September 27, 2018

The Unknown

Think about the past, The deeds you must own.

September 20, 2018
September 20, 2018

How to annoy your annoying friends

Because every once in a while, that's the only medicine you can stick to in order to cure the disease. And it's really simple too. All you need to do is observe for a while.

September 13, 2018
September 13, 2018

Underground Football

We all know that cricket took over as the leading fandom in our country just around the time when the new millennium kicked in. But before the craze for the gentleman's game took control of our sporting arena, football sat on the throne for quite a long time. National and club level football were always at the heart of it.

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