Mahmudul Hasan

Internet blackout wallops life and living

A countrywide internet blackout dealt a massive blow to the lives of Bangladeshis, upending their digital lifestyle and leaving many businesses staring at huge financial losses.

3d ago

IT, BPO firms staring at a bleak future

The country’s promising export-oriented IT firms and business process outsourcing (BPO) companies, which fetch close to $1 billion a year, are fearing getting dropped by their foreign clients after abruptly going off the grid on Thursday night for the internet blackout.

4d ago

BTCL recorded Tk 316cr unrealised dues as ‘current asset’: CAG

Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited (BTCL) has failed to realise dues worth around Tk 316 crore from different companies and falsely recorded it as “current asset” in its financial statement. 

1w ago

Mobile phone operators join race to capture broadband market

The country’s three private mobile network operators are racing to grab a share of the rapidly expanding broadband market by offering fixed wireless access (FWA) services, which give users Wi-Fi connections without cables.

1w ago

Building hi-tech parks in districts: progress only 14% in 7 years

Development initiatives in Bangladesh normally take longer than usual to come to fruition. However, the project to set up a dozen hi-tech parks at the district level is moving at such a glacial pace that it may hold the government from attaining its vision of building a smart nation and readying the workforce for the digitalised world.

2w ago

Bera mayor: From a fugitive in plain sight for 33 months to a free man

Police did not arrest Pabna’s Bera municipality mayor SM Asif Shams for over two and a half years, even though he had an arrest warrant against him for his company’s failure to pay Tk 191.63 crore it owed the state.

3w ago

Complaints bring no solutions for most Teletalk users

A staggering majority of customers of state-run telecom operator Teletalk are getting no solutions even after logging complaints through the call centre of the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC).

3w ago

Black money holders get amnesty

Parliament yesterday approved a provision that will allow black money holders to legalise their undisclosed wealth without any scrutiny by paying a 15 percent tax, disregarding widespread condemnation from various quarters.

3w ago
July 23, 2024
July 23, 2024

Internet blackout wallops life and living

A countrywide internet blackout dealt a massive blow to the lives of Bangladeshis, upending their digital lifestyle and leaving many businesses staring at huge financial losses.

July 23, 2024
July 23, 2024

IT, BPO firms staring at a bleak future

The country’s promising export-oriented IT firms and business process outsourcing (BPO) companies, which fetch close to $1 billion a year, are fearing getting dropped by their foreign clients after abruptly going off the grid on Thursday night for the internet blackout.

July 17, 2024
July 17, 2024

BTCL recorded Tk 316cr unrealised dues as ‘current asset’: CAG

Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Limited (BTCL) has failed to realise dues worth around Tk 316 crore from different companies and falsely recorded it as “current asset” in its financial statement. 

July 16, 2024
July 16, 2024

Mobile phone operators join race to capture broadband market

The country’s three private mobile network operators are racing to grab a share of the rapidly expanding broadband market by offering fixed wireless access (FWA) services, which give users Wi-Fi connections without cables.

July 7, 2024
July 7, 2024

Building hi-tech parks in districts: progress only 14% in 7 years

Development initiatives in Bangladesh normally take longer than usual to come to fruition. However, the project to set up a dozen hi-tech parks at the district level is moving at such a glacial pace that it may hold the government from attaining its vision of building a smart nation and readying the workforce for the digitalised world.

July 5, 2024
July 5, 2024

Bera mayor: From a fugitive in plain sight for 33 months to a free man

Police did not arrest Pabna’s Bera municipality mayor SM Asif Shams for over two and a half years, even though he had an arrest warrant against him for his company’s failure to pay Tk 191.63 crore it owed the state.

July 3, 2024
July 3, 2024

Complaints bring no solutions for most Teletalk users

A staggering majority of customers of state-run telecom operator Teletalk are getting no solutions even after logging complaints through the call centre of the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC).

June 30, 2024
June 30, 2024

Black money holders get amnesty

Parliament yesterday approved a provision that will allow black money holders to legalise their undisclosed wealth without any scrutiny by paying a 15 percent tax, disregarding widespread condemnation from various quarters.

June 28, 2024
June 28, 2024

BTRC going for AI-based call centre

The telecom regulator has decided to introduce an artificial intelligence (AI)-based customer relationship management system and increase the capacity of its call centre in a bid to resolve customers' complaints fast and efficiently.

June 27, 2024
June 27, 2024

Foreign debt costs to spiral

Bangladesh’s interest payments on external borrowing are projected to soar by 65 percent within three years due to rising global interest rates and an expanded foreign loan portfolio, which will put further pressure on the dwindling foreign currency reserves. 

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