Air Cdre (retd) T. A. Zearat Ali, MDS, ndc, psc

Introducing Breadfruit tree in Bangladesh

Many countries have enriched their flora and fauna by collecting samples and seeds from all around the world. The efforts have not always been for commercial purposes. Sometimes, they tasked the embassies to collect samples, or sometimes they sent emissaries, expeditions and researchers. At times, introduction of some species can be environmentally harmful and invasive. Hence introduction of a new species should be made with careful considerations.

5y ago
September 19, 2018
September 19, 2018

Introducing Breadfruit tree in Bangladesh

Many countries have enriched their flora and fauna by collecting samples and seeds from all around the world. The efforts have not always been for commercial purposes. Sometimes, they tasked the embassies to collect samples, or sometimes they sent emissaries, expeditions and researchers. At times, introduction of some species can be environmentally harmful and invasive. Hence introduction of a new species should be made with careful considerations.

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