Welcoming 2015
WITH the crack of the new dawn, we will set the old calendar aside to welcome the new one for the New Year. But still the past year will continue to influence us. That requires us to look back and assess our past performance while we embrace the New Year with positive expectations.
The redeeming feature has been sustained food autarky and improvement in socio-economic indicators in which we fared better than some of our South Asian neighbours.
Where did we leave the most important aspects of our national life, politics and governance, in the year that was? How did our state fare in establishing democracy and an exploitation-free just society? How far could the government ensure people's constitutionally granted basic rights like the right to health and education? What was our record of maintaining human rights? Could we rid our administration of the curse of corruption?
Can we put our hand on our heart and say that we could perform to the expected level in all these areas? Though unlike in 2013 or the years before, the streets of the capital or elsewhere in the country saw fewer agitations by the political opposition, that does not mean that peace reigned in the political life of 2014. The government's attitude towards the political opponents' right to assemble, hold rallies or take out processions was rather conspicuous by intolerance. Needless to say, the denial mode of the political leadership came in the way of its delivering good governance.
Nevertheless, we made steady headway in war crimes trial proceedings.
We look forward to good sense prevailing in the political discourse towards ushering in a positive outlook in 2015.
Happy new year to our readers and patrons.