Saying No

#Guides / Master the art of time management

We always seem to be running out of time, especially at the workplace. That’s why the importance of managing your time throughout the day is paramount. Being efficient with your time will not only increase your productivity but also establish a positive work-life balance.

#Perspective / Learning to say No!

A vital life skill that many individuals struggle with is learning to say "no." It may be challenging to set limits and advocate for oneself, whether it's in response to a social invitation, a request for assistance at work, or a request for a personal favour. Nonetheless, it may be beneficial to others to say "no," as well as one's personal well-being.

July 5, 2023
July 5, 2023

Master the art of time management

We always seem to be running out of time, especially at the workplace. That’s why the importance of managing your time throughout the day is paramount. Being efficient with your time will not only increase your productivity but also establish a positive work-life balance.

February 22, 2023
February 22, 2023

Learning to say No!

A vital life skill that many individuals struggle with is learning to say "no." It may be challenging to set limits and advocate for oneself, whether it's in response to a social invitation, a request for assistance at work, or a request for a personal favour. Nonetheless, it may be beneficial to others to say "no," as well as one's personal well-being.

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