retirement age

#Perspective / How much money do you need to retire early?

In a world that is full of economic uncertainties, one can never know for certain how much money they would need in order to retire early and still live comfortably, but financial experts now say that there is a number that can be calculated, which can take you close. The FIRE (financial-independence-retire-early) number is a concrete figure that can tell one the amount of money that they would need, if they were to leave their job right now and retire.

Prepping for the inevitable: Retirement

Retirement — a word dreaded by many. What does one do when they retire, is a thought not many ask while they are still active in service. Should one leave the inevitable of life as a postscript, or does one make serious plans so that their transition into a retired life is a smooth one?

No plan to raise retirement age, PM tells JS

Leader of the House and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina says her government has no plan right now to raise further the retirement age in the government service.

Freedom Fighters / Cabinet's no to retirement age extension

The cabinet yesterday rejected a proposal to raise the retirement age of freedom fighters in public service to 65 years from the existing 60.

No extension on freedom fighters’ retirement age

The Cabinet turns down a proposal of the Liberation War Affairs Ministry to raise the retirement age limit of freedom fighter public servants to 65 years from the existing 60 years.

SC upholds proposal to raise FF retirement age to 65

Supreme Court upholds a High Court verdict that directed the authorities concerned to place before the cabinet a proposal in 60 days to increase the retirement age of freedom fighters in public service to 65 years from 57 years.

JU teachers’ retirement age lowered to 65

The retirement age for teachers at Jahangirnagar University (JU) is lowered from 67 years to 65 years.

November 2, 2022
November 2, 2022

How much money do you need to retire early?

In a world that is full of economic uncertainties, one can never know for certain how much money they would need in order to retire early and still live comfortably, but financial experts now say that there is a number that can be calculated, which can take you close. The FIRE (financial-independence-retire-early) number is a concrete figure that can tell one the amount of money that they would need, if they were to leave their job right now and retire.

August 14, 2022
August 14, 2022

Prepping for the inevitable: Retirement

Retirement — a word dreaded by many. What does one do when they retire, is a thought not many ask while they are still active in service. Should one leave the inevitable of life as a postscript, or does one make serious plans so that their transition into a retired life is a smooth one?

January 31, 2018
January 31, 2018

No plan to raise retirement age, PM tells JS

Leader of the House and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina says her government has no plan right now to raise further the retirement age in the government service.

January 19, 2016
January 19, 2016

Cabinet's no to retirement age extension

The cabinet yesterday rejected a proposal to raise the retirement age of freedom fighters in public service to 65 years from the existing 60.

January 18, 2016
January 18, 2016

No extension on freedom fighters’ retirement age

The Cabinet turns down a proposal of the Liberation War Affairs Ministry to raise the retirement age limit of freedom fighter public servants to 65 years from the existing 60 years.

November 16, 2015
November 16, 2015

SC upholds proposal to raise FF retirement age to 65

Supreme Court upholds a High Court verdict that directed the authorities concerned to place before the cabinet a proposal in 60 days to increase the retirement age of freedom fighters in public service to 65 years from 57 years.

July 31, 2015
July 31, 2015

JU teachers’ retirement age lowered to 65

The retirement age for teachers at Jahangirnagar University (JU) is lowered from 67 years to 65 years.

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