What options are left for us to fight unbridled corruption?

Unfortunately, all the mechanisms meant to address corruption seem to have been weakened, if not completely destroyed, one after another in recent decades.

The incredible ‘goatness’ of being

The town is abuzz about how the astronomical price of a goat led to the opening of a gigantic can of worms

NBR abandons plans to cut tax for AC, fridge and bike makers

The tax administration backtracked from its decision to levy a 5 percent tax on incomes generated by manufacturers of motorcycles, air conditioners and refrigerators until 2032, raising it to the previous rate of 10 percent.

Cybercriminals breach NBR server again

A “cybercriminal gang” attempted to release a container of cigarettes from Chattogram Port after breaching the server of the National Board of Revenue with the login credentials of a customs official.

Two S Alam firms evaded Tk 3,500 crore in VAT, says NBR

With penalty, they owe government over Tk 7,000cr; S Alam Group director says they didn’t ‘evade even a single taka in VAT’

Govt bars Matiur from Sonali Bank’s board meeting

The disclosure comes a couple of hours after the finance ministry transferred Matiur to the Internal Resources Division from the NBR

Tax exemption in FY25 rises to Tk 163,000cr

Tax exemptions provided by the National Board of Revenue (NBR) are estimated to rise to Tk 163,000 crore in fiscal 2024-25 as the tax administration looks to ease the pressure on individuals and facilitate higher economic growth.

Tax receipts grow at healthy clip, still NBR likely to miss target

Although a large chunk of revenue is deposited in the state coffer towards the end of a fiscal year, there might be a big gap between the revised target and the actual collection.

NBR plans self-assessment of tax liabilities for all firms

The National Board of Revenue (NBR) is likely to introduce self-assessment for companies from 2024-25 to allow them to determine their own tax liabilities and cut reliance on taxmen.

July 7, 2024
July 7, 2024

What options are left for us to fight unbridled corruption?

Unfortunately, all the mechanisms meant to address corruption seem to have been weakened, if not completely destroyed, one after another in recent decades.

July 5, 2024
July 5, 2024

The incredible ‘goatness’ of being

The town is abuzz about how the astronomical price of a goat led to the opening of a gigantic can of worms

July 2, 2024
July 2, 2024

NBR abandons plans to cut tax for AC, fridge and bike makers

The tax administration backtracked from its decision to levy a 5 percent tax on incomes generated by manufacturers of motorcycles, air conditioners and refrigerators until 2032, raising it to the previous rate of 10 percent.

July 1, 2024
July 1, 2024

Cybercriminals breach NBR server again

A “cybercriminal gang” attempted to release a container of cigarettes from Chattogram Port after breaching the server of the National Board of Revenue with the login credentials of a customs official.

June 30, 2024
June 30, 2024

Two S Alam firms evaded Tk 3,500 crore in VAT, says NBR

With penalty, they owe government over Tk 7,000cr; S Alam Group director says they didn’t ‘evade even a single taka in VAT’

June 23, 2024
June 23, 2024

Govt bars Matiur from Sonali Bank’s board meeting

The disclosure comes a couple of hours after the finance ministry transferred Matiur to the Internal Resources Division from the NBR

June 8, 2024
June 8, 2024

Tax exemption in FY25 rises to Tk 163,000cr

Tax exemptions provided by the National Board of Revenue (NBR) are estimated to rise to Tk 163,000 crore in fiscal 2024-25 as the tax administration looks to ease the pressure on individuals and facilitate higher economic growth.

May 27, 2024
May 27, 2024

Tax receipts grow at healthy clip, still NBR likely to miss target

Although a large chunk of revenue is deposited in the state coffer towards the end of a fiscal year, there might be a big gap between the revised target and the actual collection.

May 21, 2024
May 21, 2024

NBR plans self-assessment of tax liabilities for all firms

The National Board of Revenue (NBR) is likely to introduce self-assessment for companies from 2024-25 to allow them to determine their own tax liabilities and cut reliance on taxmen.

May 13, 2024
May 13, 2024

NBR may take host of measures to boost collection

The measures include keeping the tax-exempt income threshold unchanged at Tk 3.5 lakh, a move that is expected to increase revenue receipts and bring more people under the tax net.

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