Kamruzzaman Ronnie

Year End Special / The melodies of 2023: Music that touched Bangladesh

In the year 2023, there was a notable preference for Bangla songs amongst the audience, with several catchy ones gaining popularity. It is noteworthy that listeners actively engaged with and discussed Bengali songs, marking a significant accomplishment this year. There was a relatively lower release of new songs by production houses as their emphasis shifted towards drama production. Despite this, listeners continued to enjoy and appreciate the existing Bengali tracks.

Review / 1971: Shei Shob Din: Hridi Huq’s herculean effort brings Liberation War to life  

A lot of times, producers and directors tend to neglect their own product while making government-granted films, and tend to just get done with it without accounting for the actual quality, which was far from the case in “1971 Shei Shob Din”.

December 29, 2023
December 29, 2023

The melodies of 2023: Music that touched Bangladesh

In the year 2023, there was a notable preference for Bangla songs amongst the audience, with several catchy ones gaining popularity. It is noteworthy that listeners actively engaged with and discussed Bengali songs, marking a significant accomplishment this year. There was a relatively lower release of new songs by production houses as their emphasis shifted towards drama production. Despite this, listeners continued to enjoy and appreciate the existing Bengali tracks.

September 18, 2023
September 18, 2023

1971: Shei Shob Din: Hridi Huq’s herculean effort brings Liberation War to life  

A lot of times, producers and directors tend to neglect their own product while making government-granted films, and tend to just get done with it without accounting for the actual quality, which was far from the case in “1971 Shei Shob Din”.

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