education budget 2023-24

Education endowment funds for a knowledge-based society

Education endowment funds can help universities avoid income volatility and run smoothly, especially in developing countries

What good will nationalising all secondary schools do?

Teachers have been carrying out sit-ins in front of the National Press Club and being subjected to coercion by police to restrain them.

Why don't we understand the economic value of education?

It is well-known that an increase in government expenditure in education can contribute to economic growth and poverty alleviation

Education in national budget: A dialogue of the deaf

Our education decision-makers have a narrative that largely denies any serious deficiency in the system.

July 31, 2023
July 31, 2023

Education endowment funds for a knowledge-based society

Education endowment funds can help universities avoid income volatility and run smoothly, especially in developing countries

July 23, 2023
July 23, 2023

What good will nationalising all secondary schools do?

Teachers have been carrying out sit-ins in front of the National Press Club and being subjected to coercion by police to restrain them.

July 3, 2023
July 3, 2023

Why don't we understand the economic value of education?

It is well-known that an increase in government expenditure in education can contribute to economic growth and poverty alleviation

June 24, 2023
June 24, 2023

Education in national budget: A dialogue of the deaf

Our education decision-makers have a narrative that largely denies any serious deficiency in the system.

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