
Breaking barriers through arts and crafts

Persons with disabilities excel with DRRA support

From wheelchair to Paralympics: Jhuma’s inspiring journey

“So what if I’m a person with disabilities?” said Jhuma Akhter, with sparks of defiance and confidence in her eyes, to anyone who ever doubted her.

#Sports / Mohammad Mohasin: Championing hope in wheelchair cricket

What if you are unable to tread that path in the conventional way? If you have the courage to never give up, you may become a champion of hope in the face of impossible challenges. So, goes the inspiring true tale of Mohammad Mohasin, captain of the Bangladesh Wheelchair Cricket team.

Honouring Sajida Rahman Danny and the PFDA Vocational Training Centre

As Mother's Day approaches, we honour the women who have shown us love, strength, and resilience. Sajida Rahman Danny epitomises these qualities in her work empowering young adults with neurological disorders in Bangladesh. As founder and director of PFDA Vocational Training Centre, she provides skills training and opportunities to those who might otherwise be marginalised. Her efforts have changed countless lives and serve as a testament to a mother's love and determination to make a difference.

#Parenting / All children are special

Mothers are known for their strength and courage, and for more than just how they bring children into the world. Raising children is a struggle, especially when they are afflicted with ailments. Farha Hasan and Nazli Hussain are just two of countless such special mothers who have made mountains move with their love.

NSU to introduce disability-friendly ramps and bathrooms

With NSU’s accessibility initiative, the university took a step in ensuring that the campus is accommodating for all students in order to ensure comfort for all without discrimination.

Persons with disabilities are integral to innovative solutions

Ministers, government officials, persons with disabilities, civil society and private sector allies from Asia and the Pacific will gather on October 19-21 in Jakarta to mark the birth of a new era for 700 million persons with disabilities.

Importance of adaptive clothing in the world of fashion

Adaptive clothing makes getting dressed and staying in the garments easy for people with a diverse range of needs. The community for people with disability is very wide and therefore designers must prioritise comfort and convenience over almost anything else for this genre of clothing. Thanks to technology and assistance from members of their target market, inclusive designers are now able to not only make functional clothes for the wearer; but also help their personality shine through their clothes.

#Social Issues / Bangladesh Business & Disability Network (BBDN): Supporting people with disability

The number of people with disability in Bangladesh is high. While most people in this group are yet to be covered under a general education scheme, those who do attain a degree find it difficult to get suitable jobs. To help people with disabilities find employment in the job market, the Bangladesh Business & Disability Network (BBDN) has been working with its member organisations and other stakeholders in the industry since 2016.

June 17, 2024
June 17, 2024

Breaking barriers through arts and crafts

Persons with disabilities excel with DRRA support

March 9, 2024
March 9, 2024

From wheelchair to Paralympics: Jhuma’s inspiring journey

“So what if I’m a person with disabilities?” said Jhuma Akhter, with sparks of defiance and confidence in her eyes, to anyone who ever doubted her.

October 24, 2023
October 24, 2023

Mohammad Mohasin: Championing hope in wheelchair cricket

What if you are unable to tread that path in the conventional way? If you have the courage to never give up, you may become a champion of hope in the face of impossible challenges. So, goes the inspiring true tale of Mohammad Mohasin, captain of the Bangladesh Wheelchair Cricket team.

May 7, 2023
May 7, 2023

Honouring Sajida Rahman Danny and the PFDA Vocational Training Centre

As Mother's Day approaches, we honour the women who have shown us love, strength, and resilience. Sajida Rahman Danny epitomises these qualities in her work empowering young adults with neurological disorders in Bangladesh. As founder and director of PFDA Vocational Training Centre, she provides skills training and opportunities to those who might otherwise be marginalised. Her efforts have changed countless lives and serve as a testament to a mother's love and determination to make a difference.

May 7, 2023
May 7, 2023

All children are special

Mothers are known for their strength and courage, and for more than just how they bring children into the world. Raising children is a struggle, especially when they are afflicted with ailments. Farha Hasan and Nazli Hussain are just two of countless such special mothers who have made mountains move with their love.

February 18, 2023
February 18, 2023

NSU to introduce disability-friendly ramps and bathrooms

With NSU’s accessibility initiative, the university took a step in ensuring that the campus is accommodating for all students in order to ensure comfort for all without discrimination.

October 14, 2022
October 14, 2022

Persons with disabilities are integral to innovative solutions

Ministers, government officials, persons with disabilities, civil society and private sector allies from Asia and the Pacific will gather on October 19-21 in Jakarta to mark the birth of a new era for 700 million persons with disabilities.

September 19, 2022
September 19, 2022

Importance of adaptive clothing in the world of fashion

Adaptive clothing makes getting dressed and staying in the garments easy for people with a diverse range of needs. The community for people with disability is very wide and therefore designers must prioritise comfort and convenience over almost anything else for this genre of clothing. Thanks to technology and assistance from members of their target market, inclusive designers are now able to not only make functional clothes for the wearer; but also help their personality shine through their clothes.

September 19, 2022
September 19, 2022

Bangladesh Business & Disability Network (BBDN): Supporting people with disability

The number of people with disability in Bangladesh is high. While most people in this group are yet to be covered under a general education scheme, those who do attain a degree find it difficult to get suitable jobs. To help people with disabilities find employment in the job market, the Bangladesh Business & Disability Network (BBDN) has been working with its member organisations and other stakeholders in the industry since 2016.

August 29, 2022
August 29, 2022

Suborno Nagorik Foundation to honour the inspirational people with disabilities

With the aim to encourage people to come forward in helping the disabled, Suborno Nagorik Foundation, which works for the betterment of the disabled people in Bangladesh, has partnered up with United Commercial Bank (UCB) and The Daily Star to introduce a special award to recognize people with disabilities and the people around them.

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