Caravaggio 452nd birthday

Birthday special / Caravaggio: Light, shadows and scandals

It was an era where the greatest paintings served as sublime examples of ideal beauty, linear perspective, and balanced compositions, emphasising the artists' talents while fulfilling the desires of their patrons. However, breaking away from the dominant tradition of painting of the time, Caravaggio made a divine entrance onto the scene with his masterpiece, "The Calling of Saint Matthew".

October 1, 2023
October 1, 2023

Caravaggio: Light, shadows and scandals

It was an era where the greatest paintings served as sublime examples of ideal beauty, linear perspective, and balanced compositions, emphasising the artists' talents while fulfilling the desires of their patrons. However, breaking away from the dominant tradition of painting of the time, Caravaggio made a divine entrance onto the scene with his masterpiece, "The Calling of Saint Matthew".

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