Star Diary
While waiting in a long line to submit an IPO application form at a bank, I noticed that the queue was moving extra slowly, as there was only one officer to serve every applicant. People had to stand in the queue for at least a couple of hours to complete the submission procedures of the IPO form. While waiting in line, people started talking about the disastrous condition of the stock market, and shared their stories of sufferings and losses ever since the stock market crashed in 2010. Sometime later, a man entered the bank and nudged his way into the middle of the line. When everyone present protested, the man said that he had suffered the most terrible fate due to the stock market crash, and thus should be allowed to submit the form for the sake of “humanity.” One man replied that humanity died a long time ago, saying that everyone standing in line was a victim of the crash. This sentiment echoed, with most people reiterating that humanity does not exist in this time and age. This conversation continued even after I submitted the form and exited the bank. However, I was left wondering if people were so cynical about the existence of humanity, on what basis could they call themselves human beings, really? I wish people would remember that it's humanity that sets us apart from other animals before making such insensible statements.
Probir Chandra Das
Dept of English
East West University, Dhaka
The other day while going home, I saw a girl in school uniform begging on the street with her mother who was in shabby clothes. The way the girl begged was really very pitiful as she was crying for her ill mother. I had never seen such a small girl begging so helplessly. I thought that the girl and her mother were in desperate need of help, and so gave her some money to buy medicines for her mother. But after few days I saw her crying in the same manner with her mother behaving the same way as she did on the day I first saw them. So I wondered whether the girl wore the uniform to only arouse sympathy from strangers to give her some alms. If this is truly the case then this behaviour of hers would definitely act against her as children are sent to school to learn and educate themselves, and eventually to earn a livelihood by working hard. Such cheap begging tactics is just another way of exploiting children and the emotions of people who wish to help those in need.
Zeenia Hossain
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